Hi all, I’ve been having IBS symptoms for around 6 months, but have also very recently been diagnosed with severe EPI, where my pancreas doesn’t release enzymes needed to break down food. Everything I have read says this can only occur if the pancreas is severely damaged (which various scans have confirmed it is not) or if you have one of a few specific illnesses (which I don’t have). My gastroenterologist has said EPI is common in people with IBS, she suggested 30% of IBS sufferers have this also- but I have never come across this before and can not find any information that ever mentioned these 2 conditions being linked...so am wondering if anyone suffering from IBS also has EPI without any other cause??? Thanks all!
IBS and Exocrine Pancreas Insufficiency - IBS Network
IBS and Exocrine Pancreas Insufficiency

Certainly never read any link with these two and I read up on IBS a lot. Hope you get help soon
Thanks brain box- me neither, I cannot find anything online that pairs them together. It really does feel as if the comment she made was pulled from thin air!
I've never had severe itching with IBS but I do get it because of a liver condition, I realise it can b caused by several different conditions so really recommend that you see it go about it, good luck
I have EPI and I do NOT have any pancreatic damage as confirmed by CT and MRCP scans. I do have PA though. There’s a school of thought which says that the pancreas adds enzymes when your food moves from the stomach to the duodenum and the trigger for the dispensing of those is the acid which your parietal cells adds to your food. In PA , paretal cells can’t produce acid or do so weakly and the pancreas doesn’t recognise this or only adds a little amount. There’s no research on this I can find but it’s an interesting theory (my naturopathic doc told me this). Please do get your pancreas tested though. Good luck.

Interesting, what is PA? I’ve often wondered if I have a problem with the pancreas as well as IBS ?
Pernicious Anaemia
Thanks Martin that’s an interesting line to follow. Might explain why I have pain eating almost foods too if acid production isn’t there...
I have EPI and IBS at The same time.. Said my doctor...
My pancreas dont produce all this ensymes that I need, so I take creon. Ultrasound and MR said no chronic pancreatitis and other abnormally conditions... its a mystery, noOne can solve...
but the test “elastase 1” (golden standart) said I have pancreas insufficence...
So maybe you Can have both at the same time too?