New label: My doctor mentioned that I might have... - IBS Network

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Vallie profile image
19 Replies

My doctor mentioned that I might have "functional diarrhoea", as I very rarely have pain or bloating with my long-term diarrhoea. (I've had the tests.)

Obviously I Googled. It seems to be like a sub-category of IBS. Anyone out there heard of it?

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Vallie profile image
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19 Replies

I don't get pain or bloating with my symptoms ut was onky told it was IBS

How do you control your symptoms ?

I have a dairy freediet which keeps me under control and also no brassicas

Vallie profile image
Vallie in reply to

I control the diarrhoea with half an Imodium Instant each day, or more sometimes if I'm traveling or eat a meal I know could be problematic.

I'm not totally happy because I get anal fissures when I take too many Imodium and then get constipated!

I try to eat low fat. Occasional brassicas, but no cabbage or iceberg lettuce. I also try not to have too much dairy. Oh and black tea in the morning sets me rushing.

After lunchtime I'm much better and can even sometimes eat a cake without heading for the loo.

in reply to Vallie

Have you tried doing intolerance tests say, going completely dairy free for at leadt 2/3 weeks keeping a food and bowel movement diary to see if there is any change

You can substitute soya spread and soya milk.

If you are intolerant of lactose you may find that there is some in medication

Vallie profile image
Vallie in reply to

I have kept a bowel movement diary for nearly two years. I have identified what actually makes the diarrhoea much worse. But have not yet really found giving up any particular food that actually firms up BM.

in reply to Vallie

But have you tried leaving a food group out completely or the FODMAP diet that seems to work for a lot of people

BettyA profile image
BettyA in reply to Vallie

WOW Jamie I am SO impressed that you kept a diary for that long. You deserve a medal! :)

I'm sorry but the term 'functional diarrhea' is somewhat funny... kind of like 'correct flu'... ok...enough of that.

Like Cricket said, I never had bloating or pain when my ibs was in full swing... Now that doesn't mean that SOMETIMES I didn't have all KINDS of weird symptoms...but they came and went...

You are not alone in thinking that it is not any food in particular that serves as a trigger...although...SOMETIMES it can be!... IBS is a fickle 'friend'.... So, you just have to do your best and decide what you should eat and when...

Just DO NOT let the Dr put you on that horrible drug Mirtazapine (Remeron)... it often clears up your diarrhea for a long time...then it stops...then you stop taking it and go through the tortures of the d_______ (I never exaggerate! :) ) heh! But seriously it is AWFUL...just please do not accept that Rx.

Sounds like you are doing all you can...and maybe something will 'show up' yet that makes you go AH HA!!!! so that's it... now I know what to do. (We all do!) You take good care. Hope your wknd has been a good one.

Vallie profile image
Vallie in reply to BettyA

I didn't know there was a drug for diarrhoea. Don't think I would. Imodium works quite well for me, but I would still like to know the reason. I'm pretty good this weekend, thank you. But as all IBS sufferers know - tomorrow is another day!

BettyA profile image
BettyA in reply to Vallie

Hi Vallie,

Mirtazapine was originally only made for anxiety/depression; and an appetite increaser; and to help you sleep. They seem to have discovered that it was helping with ibs 'by accident'... Its strange to me that they could not figure out WHY in their science labs...but.... I have no idea how often it is actually Rx'd for ibs alone since it effects your mind in many ways. When it stops working for ibs (and it usually does) it is one of the worst drugs for withdrawals when you stop using it.

Vallie profile image
Vallie in reply to BettyA

Sounds awful x

Hills54 profile image

I haven't heard of it but I have diarrhoea and I don't get any pain or warning that's why I find it hard to accept I have IBS-my personal opinion is that Dr's label symptoms as IBS when anything sinister is ruled out!!

in reply to Hills54

I don't get ant pain and not much warning

Have you had an endoscopy or colonoscopy to determine that there's nothing else going on ?

Vallie profile image
Vallie in reply to

I've had an endoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy last year, not sure how often they should be repeated though.

Vallie profile image

I agree, it's a label.

After my tests last year the consultant was pleased to tell me nothing was wrong with me. I said, ok but I still have diarrhoea every day. He shrugged. I asked him if I have IBS? He said you can call it that - just keep taking Imodium and adjust the dose as necessary.

I'm retiring early next year, when I've got more time I'm going to try and get to the bottom of it (excuse the pun).

in reply to Vallie

I would suggest that you do your own food intolerance tests like leaving dairy out of your diet for at least 2/3 weeks and keep a food and bowel movement diary.

Only leave one food group out at a tine or you may not know what the cause is

I was diagnosed just over 3 years ago at the age of 65 and now keep to a strict dairy free diet which keeps my symptoms under control

Immodoum contains lactose, as does a lot of tablet medication, and you could be intolerant of it

If nothing that needed further investigation then you probably won't have the tests again

Vallie profile image
Vallie in reply to

Hadn't realised Imodium had lactose in it. I don't have much dairy, and managed to give it up totally for about 3 weeks, (no change in diarrhoea). Would the lactose in the Imodium have made that much difference?

in reply to Vallie

Sorry to hear that the dairy experiment didn't work but you're probably not lactose intolerant. If you aren't then the immodium would make no difference I don't think

I just steer clear of anything related to dairy

Vallie profile image

Wow, thank you for your comments - I read through them carefully.

I don't really think my symptoms have much to do with stress. I'm a laid back person and my job is certainly not stressful. On the odd occasion of worry my diarrhoea can get worse, but it never actually gets 'better' when I have no problems.

I have had a sensitive stomach from childhood. I grew intolerant of fats as I got older. I had my gallbladder out last May and things did get worse after that. I have read that bile can play a big part in diarrhoea. I also take omeprazole for a small hiatus hernia.

I do I think you are correct ,that so many individual problems are clumped under the umbrella of IBS. I have tried Fodmaps, but it is so restricting, have also tried going gluten- free. Somehow I feel my problem is not that simple just to cut out a food type.

I had been thinking about a private nutritionist, maybe that's the route to go down ...

Vallie profile image

My diarrhoea wasn't as bad before the omeprazole. I tried ranitidine but the acid returned. I'm on 20 mg daily, so not too high. Guess I'm stuck with omeprazole. Luckily my endoscopy came back clear for damage.

Vallie profile image

I've just googled the 80/20 diet. Quite similar to my diet, I try not to eat anything processed. No sweets, chocolate gives me migraines! My main downfall is alcohol. I do give it up for January every year, I feel better, but I can't say the dreaded diarrhoea improves.

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