Hi there, I've been thinking about joining a help group for some time so finally decided to do it today. I've had problems with my bowels since a young age, from the age of 11 i was diagnosed with a nervous bladder which was terribly embarrassing and i got bullied a lot for it. That's one of the things that's followed me into adulthood, i pee about 3 to 4 times a night so not getting much sleep and it seem's that i only have to look at water and i want to pee! I've suffered from IBS-D since my early twenties and still suffer from it now. I used to work in a bar and when i'd have an attack it was again embarrassing as well as frightening, painful, severe and so on. Eventually it was one of the reasons i quit after six years, "Normal" people couldn't understand why i had to go the loo all the time and again just thought it was funny. I still have random attacks out in town or a night out with friend and i have to pump myself full of Imodium if i ever journey to another town or city.
I've been to the doctors numerous times and he has put my symptoms down to anxiety which i agree with and yet with no real cure for IBS i have learn't to cope with it the best i can. To conclude, joining this group i hope to continue coping with condition knowing that i'm not alone.