Help: Hi there Im here again im in absolute... - IBS Network

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6 Replies

Hi there Im here again im in absolute agony. I've had 4 BM today so far and the more I go the worse I feel.Is anyone else out there that's the same. I usually suffer pain every day, but today is extreme. Has anyone got any suggestions? PLEASE.

6 Replies
binks profile image

I don't know what to say - the pain can be indescribable and I live in fear of it. It can also get worse every time I go to the loo - which is considered not typical although many people say the same. Have you tried codeine for the extreme pain? I know it constipates but have you tried taking one now and again when it's unbearable? When my extreme pain flares up (usually out of nowhere), it lasts about 12 hours where I think I am dying, and then I can have weeks of terrible IBS of fluctuating symptoms before it settles down again. It is jut the weirdest condition. Sometimes mine can come on straight after having a BM - again, not usual.xx

in reply to binks

Thanks for answering my post Binks. I had a bad nights sleep last night (even with 20mg Tamazapam) .Usually if I can get to sleep I'm fine the pain goes,it's just a matter of getting to sleep.But the next day it usually comes back. I'm trying to come off an antidepressant at the moment so the agonising pain could be to do with that.Ive made an appointment to see my Gp to see what he suggests,but that's not till next Tuesday. (I don't hold out much hope ). I've got an appointment to see Proffessor Whorwell for Hypnotherepy,and even that's not till New Years eve. Anyway how you doing ,are you the same as me with Haveing it every day ? Do you take anything to relieve the pain,and do any certain foods upset you. That's my problem,because I'm never free of pain I can't tell if any foods disagree with me. I'm sorry I've gone on so much but it is so frustrating. Big Hug

gloden profile image
gloden in reply to

Hi Gemini 71 and Binks. I share with you this bloody never stopping pain. Had IBS for ever it seems and this bout since mid August almost daily. Trying to drink more water and keep going to take my mind off it . Not easy. I too suffer more after BM and dreadful backache. Thanks for letting me sound off. Just sometimes feel like crying. So low with this everyday. My heart goes out to all . Thank god for this site which makes you feel not so alone and scared. Lots hugs xxx

in reply to gloden

Hi Golden,I don't know what to say,apart from agree with you.Yes thank god for this site to sound off on,at least the people on here know what we're all going through,which is more than I can say for my GP. I took Binks advivise and took some co codomol yesterday,I did have some codeine but I never took it so I tried co-cdomol and it was a bit of relief yesterday,but this morning I'm just the opposite constipated,but it does help with the pain a bit. Still though as you put it this bloody pain never goes away,unless I'm asleep. It is strange how some people have relief from a BM, (which makes more sense ) and like us three it just makes the pain more servers. Anyway end of my rant hopefully someone will come up with some solution. And no I don't think so.So in the meantime look after yourselves. Big Hug to you both,and thanks for the reply.

shbowker profile image

I agree this site is a great idea to express concerns and discuss advice. Sorry to hear that you are constant pain. I totally feel your pain I've been put on morphine and tapantadol now for pain which I'm not too happy about but it got so bad. Regarding food I find my triggers are gluten, lactose, raw onions, garlic, raw peppers and many other things. Have you tried to cut any of these things out? Hope all goes well with your GP and Professor Wherwell, I've been through his programme. If you get Dr Shariq he's really nice, I've known him along time now. Big hugs and try and keep smiling I know it's hard.

in reply to shbowker

Hi showier Its really nice to find someone who knows of Proffessor Whorwell,are we both talking of the same place, Manchester University Hostpital ? Have you been through the Hypnotherepy program ? And you also seem to be doing the same suffering as me ,is there no end to it . I've tried Tramadol but it had no effect on me at all,I've also been on the fodmap diet, but if your in pain every day,you can't tell what agrees with you and what don't. I do know any type of onion don't agree with me,and baked beans but that's about all. I'm really sorry you share my suffering,but not to sound to unkind,it's nice to know I'm not alone,you don't seem to hear of many people who are in server pain day in day out. Are you like me in respect to if you can get to sleep the pain goes,Untill morning. Anyway I must be boreing the life out of you by now,so just look after yourself,and stay on this site which is a great support.

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