Hi i am currently looking for anybody who has used the antibiotic and good bacteria treatment for ibs.
I got ibs about 6 months after i was given very strong antibiotics to cure food poisoning when i was 16 (campylobacter).
About 12 months later my cousin got the same food poisoning and was given the same antibiotics and she also ended up with ibs.
Both of us have the same type of ibs - going the toilet 5 to 8 times a day with very loose stool and cramping stomach's with spasms.
Fortunately for my cousin, my uncle has a very good job and as a result he could afford to contact a ibs specialist in america. She was given a type of antibiotic that kills all bacteria in your intestines for 3 months and at the same time she started a 12 month course of a strong good bacteria in tablet form. Whilst taking this medication she had to eat a health diet that wasnt too high in fat or sugars.
She has been ibs FREE for nearly 10 years now!!!
I want to no if anybody else has tried or heard of this treatment in the uk or through the NHS as like many i want my life back. IBS FREE is my goal, like my cousin.
Unfortunately we are not on speaking terms so im currently unable to find out what the antibiotics and good bacteria are called. Im praying that someone has tried this or has knowledge of the treatment as mine and my cousins ibs started the same way, so im praying this might work for me.
If anybody can help, please respond. Even if its a tiny bit of info regarding this treatment it could help.
I no this sounds to good to be true but i promise you it is real. Please help if you can.