Has anyone suffered with nightmares and insomnia when taking these 'statins', I was ok for the first couple of weeks , then felt the usual (ibs) nausea, diarrhoea, bad taste, set in but was made worse because of the awful dreams and inability to go back to sleep - awful. Does it sound familiar to anyone ?
To all my ibs sufferer colleagues - my GP has ... - IBS Network
To all my ibs sufferer colleagues - my GP has given me Simvastatin (to lower cholesterol) as well as all the ibs meds I have to take. So...

Disturbed sleep is unfortunately a known side effect of statins so it may be worth you speaking to your GP about it.
Maybe I've been lucky, been on Simvastatin for over 2 years, GP said there may be leg pain in the night but I've had no side effects at all.
Absolutely. I have had statins prescribed for cholesterol reading that was only a fraction above normal. I tried six different statins and felt dreadful......vivid nightmares which made the insomnia something of a relief. I really did try to tolerate them but gave up with the blessing of my GP.
I have taken simvastatin for 4 yes no side affects I also have to take aspirin every morning.
My husband took Simvastatin and had terrible pains in his shoulders. On a routine visit to the hospital he mentioned this to the nurse who said there are plenty others to choose from. She spoke to the consultant who gave him a new scrip and he's been fine ever since. He didn't have the nightmares but somewhere there has to be an answer for you. Keep plugging away.