I'm getting so down about this condition. Any body else taking amitriptyline and getting good results
Hi I've just started taking 10mg of amitriptyl... - IBS Network
Hi I've just started taking 10mg of amitriptyline for ibs d and just wondered how long before they start to work. Had bad diarrhoea vomiting

I was taking 25g Amitriptyline for headaches and it helped my IBS d at first but after about 2 weeks it was back to normal.
I take 25mg of amitriptyline every night. It really helps. Is this a sudden flare-up? Vomiting with diarrhoea isn't normal with IBS, it's usually just nausea. Are you sure it's not a stomach virus or food-poisoning? Give the amitriptyline a bit more time to have an effect; personally I found that 10mg didn't do much for me. Also, are you taking any other meds for your IBS, such as mebeverine (colofac)? I find that really helpful too, as well as an elimination diet to find out what my food triggers were. I'm intolerant to dairy, wholegrains, nuts, pulses, caffeine and alcohol. Cutting those out of my diet has made a world of difference. Hope you feel better soon, good luck!
I've got to take 10 mgs for 2 weeks then up it to 25mg, I'm not taking any other medication for ibs. I've had vomiting a few times before with the diarrhoea docs seems to think that it is normal. I've cut out dairy from my diet. Have you put on weight with these tablets?
Im sorry your feeling so bad bless you.
I take 10 mg and it helps a lot but took about 8 days to make a difference.
One of your other replies ask about weight gain..........I feel weight gain is due to thirsty as its like a dry taste you have in your mouth. It made me realise that to get rid of the taste I was eating food....on the sweet side. This relieved the taste for a short while then id eat more which resulted in weight gain.
hope you feel better soon stick with it but like another reply said you may also have a virus,
Agreed. A lot of preparations have a reputation for making you gain weight. I think it's more true that appetite increases or you cope with a side effect by eating (as above) or by the inactivity caused by the condition, we comfort eat. Funnily I seem to be losing appetite. Won't do me any harm.
I'm on 40mg for fibromyalgia. Hasn't affected IBS at all. Just to be sure, see GP. Could be a reaction or something else.
Just check this and see if you are on any of the antagonist medicines. It's a long list. . .
nhs.uk/medicine-guides/page... enuresis&medicine=amitriptyline&preparation=Amitriptyline 10mg tablets
Also reacts with St John's Wort. It takes a while to take effect and 10mg is a starting dose. With a POSSIBLE reaction that strong it needs investigating.
Hope this helps. Gentle hugs.
Hi I've had loads of tests, scans, colonoscopy , biopsies. Nothing serious wrong. It's just really scarey when you are out always worrying where the toilets are.
poor you. Understood but if in any doubt see GP. It's not worth taking a chance.
Bladder & bowel foundation will give you a "I need to go" card which usually has brilliant results when flashed like an ID. How about loperamide or other control. I take it regularly and some extra if I'm heading for an unknown situation. As an occasional measure it's ok. I'm now confident to go out on long walks again, if only the pain would go.
I take 10mf amiltrityline for chronic joint pain, it is helping my diarrhoea too, but took 3 weeks to make any difference.
I've only taken a few so haven't noticed any difference yet, do you take them if you are going out or a drink?