I've suffered 18 years now with Ibs but its getting worse to the fact none of my clothes fit,my back and shoulder have pain and I have twisting feelings in my stomach that feels like my belly button is getting pulled in.does anyone else suffer with this? Your help would be greatany thanx Mand x
Does anyone suffer with a twisting feelin in y... - IBS Network
Does anyone suffer with a twisting feelin in your intestines?

Yes, I do get this, I often grow out of my clothes in a day, so they fit me in the morning and I have to change before the end of the day as I am being strangled by the waistband. I think that the back pain is because I tense up and put extra strain on my back but also because my stomach is swollen and distended, this means that I get pain at the top in between my shoulder blades and also at the bottom. If feels like all the food going in is blocked. I am looking at my diet, through the advice on this forum. I tried fodmaps, which was successful until my period (which always makes the symptoms uncontrolable) and now I am addressing a candida yeast overgrowth in my stomach, as my symptoms seem to indicate that. I am following the Hardcombe diet to address the candida overgrowth, but as it is only day 2, i can't say whether it has been a success or not. But, at least I feel some control, which seems increasingly important to me.
Yes. Like an little alien is about to pop up somewhere . What in a nutshell is Hardcombe diet? thanks
Hello, yes, like an alien invasion! The Hardcombe diet starts with a 5 day strict effort to kill a candida overgrowth and then manage it over a few months, along with trying to identify food intolerance. Basically, cutting out carbs, sugar and coffee (ouch).
hmm, what is the 5 day effort? a fast of some kind? I am curious but when I google it I get a lot of confusing websites. Thanks!!!
Hello Pat V, here is the official url: theharcombedietclub.com/ it is a kind of detox, no carbs, sugar, caffeine, dairy. The idea is that you attack an overgrowth of candida and give your guts a break. I found it really difficult, it's the Easter hols and I have 3 lively children, not compatible with feeling tired due to no carbs and caffeine withdrawal. Also, the breakfast options I struggled with. Still I have felt a lot better and I would do it again. It seems to help a flare up by stabilising my tummy, well it did this time.
I have suffered the back pain and also rib pain and what I do to ease the problem is a hot water bottle and take Buscupan and wait until it feels better. It never completely goes but the hot water bottle certainly helps. I will be going on the FODMAP diet sometime within the next few months when the dietician's colleague has been trained.
I hope the Hardcombe diet helps you, I haven't see this before so i will have a look at the internet and see what it is.
Best of luck
So this may sound weird, but there is thing thing that I do whenever I get that twisty feeling. I lay down on my back with my knees up and bent. Then I kind of massage (like kneading dough) my tummy starting from under my ribs all the way down. I push hard, but not hard enough that it hurts. This usually helps me at least temporarily.
Also, an outfit that looks cute on me in the morning almost looks too tight by the evening :/ I have come to the realization that no matter how skinny I am I will never have a flat belly *sigh
Happy tummy, when I started the fodmaps I got skinny AND a flat tummy:-).
I too have the pulling in pain from the belly button...one stage thought it had to do with the laporoscopy they once did through my belly button!
For the pains in my shoulder, back I try to do yoga and stretching to stop everything tightening up. If you're in horrendous pain you will begin contracting and tightening everything so learn to relax the whole of your body
I follow the FODMAP, and it helped my flairs but my tummy is still puffy! I have been following it pretty loosely though...time to get my butt in gear!
You will find that your wardrobe will consist of at least 3 different sizes depending on how your IBS is on a day to day basis.
I have some clothes that i have not worn for over 2 years then had a few good days and could fit into them everyone said i looked great and was my outfit new even my husband, but that size didn't last long but you do get used to it over time i should know as i have suffered for 24 years now
I know this was a long time ago but does anyone have any success stories with this? I've had ultrasounds, x-rays, blood tests and seen 4 different doctors but no-one can offer an explanation/cure! I have pain under my bottom ribs and also a feeling my intestine is twisted lower down. Something moves in that area when I cough hard but the docs say it isn't a hernia...