Hi everyone, I'm Levi, I'm a 22 yo male from North of England, I've been suffering for years with this, well, the doctors 'diagnose' it as IBS, sometimes I (due to the horrendous symptoms) think it's something they just haven't discovered yet, a condition or issue that's gone unnoticed and has dwelled inside my stomach these past few years..
I get daily (almost constant) nausea, constant stomach rumbling/gurgling, bloating, lack of appetite/thirst, I'm underweight (53kg), trouble sleeping, and I'm confined to my house because of the severe nausea/stomach issues -- and to make things worse, the last few days I've had diarrhea.
I feel like breaking down, I've fought this bad health for so long that I feel like I'm starting to lose the fight, I can't keep living like this, I feel suicidal a lot, all because of this issue with my stomach/health, but I feel as though I have to keep any thoughts of suicide to myself during doctors appointments or else they'll give me the old ''It's all in his head, he's a hypochondriac, etc, etc'', when the simple fact is I only want to die because I've had my life ruined thanks to this ill health of mine, thanks to the extent I suffer with it every day..
I want the doctors to do tests/scans, a colonoscopy or endoscopy, etc, but whenever I push for these tests they just say to me ''Hmm, I think you've just got a bad type of IBS, Levi..'' and give me a new medication to try, I've gone through tons of different meds and they never seem to work, antiemetics, antispasmodics, food diarys, tests for celiac/crohns etc, they did an ultrasound once but that's all and it was clear, I go to the GP almost every week begging for more investigations to be done, I don't know what to do anymore! I live at home with my father and he's getting really sick of me still living at home, being ill all the time. I can tell he's disappointed at how my life is, but he doesn't want to understand how bad my health is, I can't work /go out because of how debilitating it is, I feel like my life is just passing me by, like there's no way out from this. I don't have friends or anyone to talk to, to comfort me, support me with this battle against my horrendous 'IBS', all my life I've had a dream of one day going to visit Japan, but I fear this 'IBS' will slowly kill me before I can even go.
Well, sorry for the long speech, I just wanted to vent I guess...