where can I find the fodmap diet information? ... - IBS Network
where can I find the fodmap diet information? please.
See here med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/... and search this forum.
Google it, it's there but you should see a dietician b4 who may not recommend it for yourself,,,
Go to the website for Monash Uni (somebody has given you the link above) where the diet was, and still is being, developed, there's a very good smartphone app you can download from there and I also highly recommend a book by the American dietitian, Patsy Catsos, 'IBS- Free At Last' which gives a good plan to follow whilst doing FODMAPs and lots more besides. Whatever you do DON'T Google FODMAPs as you'll end up with a lot of outdated and very incorrect info.
I successfully did this diet long before the NHS got behind it using just the app and book mentioned above.
I've been trying it using list in the link above. Then I saw nutritionist who gave me her own list--pretty close. I'll let you know how it works.
thanks to everyone's help.
I just want to stop the pain, it's unbearable, buscopan seams to help a little...