Having suffered IBS for several years with mixed settled periods and flare ups, the Low Fodmap Diet by Shepherd and Gibson makes total logical sense to me. Finding a specialist in NE England with Fodmap diet expertise is proving difficult. If anybody knows of such an expert I would appreciate their contact details. Thanks.
FODMAP DIET: Having suffered IBS for several... - IBS Network

NHS dietitians are now all trained to advise on the FODMAP diet so you should be able to get a referral from your GP.

Unfortunately my GP hadn't heard of Fodmap until I raised it.
No, many GPs aren't clued-up on this at all; it shouldn't stop him/her giving you a referral though.

My GP said that since she hasn't heard of this diet, she won't refer me to a specialist. I'm desperate to try it, but cannot afford to pay to private dietitian!!
I did FODMAPs as a DIY diet long before the NHS got behind it. I got my info from the website for Monash Uni (Australia) which developed the diet in the first place. There's a brilliant smartphone app available from there.
Sue Shepherd and Peter Gibson's book 'The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet: A Revolutionary Plan For Managing IBS And Other Digestive Disorders' is also a must. This wasn't published at the time I did FODMAPs, so I relied for the most part on Patsy Catsos's book, 'IBS - Free At Last', which explains the whole thing in great detail.
The diet isn't an easy one to follow initially, but it isn't rocket science and you should be able to do it on your own.
Hi, I phoned my local hospital and asked to speak to dieticians and then asked if they had somebody who was knowledgeable in the FODMAP Diet first and then saw my Gp
If you cant find one I would recommend you try Patsy Catsos book IBS Free at Last or download the app from Monash University which in my opinion is excellent. Both these make it easy to just do it yourself and means you can start straight away. It has completely transformed my life from 26 years with IBS to virtually no symptoms at all. Doesn't work for everyone but it does seem to make a difference to a lot of people on this site and means you don't have to constantly rely on medications, many of which do not seem to work. The only thing I use now is loperamide on the odd occasion when I have chosen to eat something which I shouldn't!
I found a great nutritionist and GI doctor who both recommend it. I have to give them a shout though, because I am more constipated than ever!
Yes I also became even more constipated on FODMAPS . Mentioned this to a gastro consultant who said that FODMAPS did what it said on the tin but it also tended to reduce the amount of liquid in the gut and thus make IBSC worse . I also take a diuretic for blood pressure control and this works by increasing the amount of urine passed and reducing the amount of blood circulating thus reducing pressure in veins and arteries .
I was referred to a dietician; had the appointment; took along my typical diet, which she said was very good although alot of the 'healthy' foods I was eating weren't FODMAP friendly! I have the Patsy Castos book which I actually find confusing but after advice on this forum - yes, we do have pratitioners but it seems to be that we are helping ourselves, I am going to visit the Monash website and look for the Sue Shepherd book. Best of luck to you.