Urgent please help: Hello, i have ibs have been... - IBS Network

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Urgent please help

6 Replies

Hello, i have ibs have been on Fodmap diet since Sunday. Had a bm last on Tuesday not gone until now.

Aboslutely terrified, had a bm after much straining and blood is everywhere, pouring out of me. Out of hours g.p said they may ring me back to see if i need an urgent appointment or if it can wait. Please has anyone experienced this?.

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6 Replies

Don't panic, sounds as if the bleeding could be due to internal haemorrhoids or anal fissure as it only started after bearing down. I think you may be over-FODMAPPING as well as you should be able to have at least one bm per day. Have you got appropriate fruit and veg on your menu?


Thank you for replying Roz. I have discovered i am ok with oats so have been having a couple of bowls of porridge a day for fibre, a handful of raspberries, a small serving of peas, two bananas, cocnut water, and nuts and linseeds.

Usually have ibs-d so i was surprised to get constipated on the Fodmap and agree that i may have overone it as i have stuck to it rigidly since i started on sunday.

in reply to

It's not the first time I've known people say they've got C on FODMAPs so you're not alone. It's just a case of gradually tailoring things to suit you personally.

Thank you Roz. One good thing to come out of it is that my partner insisted on running me to the hospital after out of hours g.p said i could wait until Monday and see my own doctor. He was not happy at that idea. First time it had ever happened and i went into huge panic.

Doctor at hospital has sent a report through to my doctor and told me to see him on Monday and get a referral to a gastroenterologist and a colonoscopy. He cannot refuse to send me now i was told and if he tries to refuse i must go straight back to the hospital.

I have been pleading for that referral for ages now but kept going told it was not necessary even though there is a history of crohns and bowel cancer in my family.

In the meantime, started to try and up my fibre and drink a lot more. Trial and error getting Fodmap tailored but thinking it is already improving my symptoms.

2Chrissie4 profile image

I have experienced what you have. Even though lost what I thought was a lot of blood turned out to be average for this problem. The bleeding stopped after a while and even though the toilet was covered in fresh blood rather panicked and dialed the emergancy services and an ambulance came pretty quickly. I was admitted to hospital for observation and blood tests taken to monitor my haemoglobin (red blood cells). I had two further bleeds in hospital and had to have an emergancy colonoscopy. Not ver nice but at the time didn`t much care. They found a small tear in the rectum and sealed it at the time. I was then given tablets to stop the bloodloss and monitored for a few days. I was given some stern advice about eating enough fibre in my diet and drinking at least 2 litres of fluid a day or could have the same problem again! Thankfully all has been well since and make sure I eat food wih plenty of fibre and drink lots of fluid. YES, constipation was the underlying problem so take heed of my story please!

in reply to 2Chrissie4

What a horrible experience Chrissie, glad you are recovered from it now. It is terrifying when it happens and you see all that blood.

My constipation seems to be brought about by the Fodmap diet, upping my fibre now and drinking loads of water. I was on Fybogel twice a day as i have always been careful to have at least 20g a fibre a day and yet my g.p told me not to take it and to cut back on my fibre.

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