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Diabetes Insipidus has changed name
[i]Central DI: [/i][i]Arginine Deficiency or AVP-D[/i]
[i]Nephrogenic DI: [/i][i]Arginine Resistance [/i][i]or [/i][i]AVP-R[/i]
The obvious reason is to reduce the opening for confusion with diabetes mellitus.
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T3 is linked to stress-associated reduction of prolactin in lactating women
study aimed to compare breastfeeding habits, as well as subjective and objective measures of stress, in employed and non-employed lactating women and assess the relationships between these measures and prolactin (PRL), thyroid hormones (thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine [T3] and thyroxine), vasopressin
Tolvaptan Clinical Trial for ADPKD Patients
"Tolvaptan slows cyst growth in ADPKD patients by preventing a hormone called vasopressin from binding to its receptor on renal tubule cells.