Hello all Yogis!
I finally tried out my new Yoga knee pads, and these have now replaced my trusty blanket.
And I have to admit, they are a real improvement!
They feel great, even more cushioning. And they are not in the way all the time! Shifting the blanket around the mat whilst going though the flows was a real issue, but these pads seem to be always in the right place and can be shifted much easier.
Downsides? I’ve lost a blanket to sit on in easy pose. But that might not be a bad thing, as I wanted to wean myself off some props.
So they get my thumbs up, and although one can do perfectly without, they are a bit of yoga luxury that I am already enjoying!
So what do you use yo cushion your knees? Blanket? Nothing? Double up on the mat?
Happy yoga everyone!