Just putting this here as a reminder to myself, in case the two things prove to be related.
I’ve been doing my yoga practice in the mornings, but yesterday I ended up doing it in the evening. It was slightly different to the previous 3 days: it was all on the floor, mostly lying down, and had a more relaxing rhythm to it. It’s definitely been my favourite day so far, even though I was thoroughly mugged by both dogs during it 🤣
Here I should mention that I am a lady of a certain age, and rarely get a full night’s sleep due to hot flushes - often waking every hour, or waking up less often but having longer flushes or having a series of them in quick succession so that I’m awake for over an hour (generally about 4am).
Last night I slept for a whole 4+ hours to 3am 😀 woke up for a very brief hot flush, then fell asleep for another hour - when I was woken by husband getting in from work - then slept till my alarm at 6am \o/
I actually woke up feeling rested, I can’t remember the last time that happened.