Personal Markers - how are we all doing? - Strength & Flex

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Personal Markers - how are we all doing?

Realfoodieclub profile image
19 Replies

I thought it was time to touch base with each other and say how we are all doing with our personal Markers. We are now two months into getting out goals.

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Realfoodieclub profile image
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19 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

Well... personal marker 1 is merging with my running a little... I’m easily doing an hour a day on run days now. On Tuesday it was all in one run, as I nailed my first 10k run. I have though been collecting pokemon for my daughter, so my walking has increased somewhat. Including my runs I have covered 82.9km on foot this week and will be out again later today.

PM 2 I haven’t done as much on this week, and must pick that up again soon.

PM 3... zero progress, my only sit-up is as I get out of bed 🤣

I’m now not on a running plan as I’m going to consolidate on 10k for a couple of weeks before starting HM training (who am I?) I’m looking at Run Tatton HM on November 3rd.

Next Sunday I’m doing a bubble rush in aid of a local hospice... which I’m not really looking forward to as it’s going to be slippery, so fun but maybe not what the running needs really.

And I just realised that I forgot the May challenge week 4 post... too late now, I’ll get one up tomorrow for the end of the challenge.

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to UnfitNoMore

We are flexible on here, ref the challenge. 😀. Just a happy little bunch.

Pokemon sounds like a great thing to be doing with little UFNM, I like activities that are active and fun for kids. Hehe, I know you will get to a sit up one day, I am rubbish at a full ones but I am Ok if I tuck my feet under the sofa, that seems to help me.

Well done on how far you have come. Great achievement.

Rfc x

Jogunlikely profile image
Jogunlikely in reply to UnfitNoMore

Wow getting some mileage in :)

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Jogunlikely

Added another 10k walking after I posted too. My car must be missing me!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oh Rfc...thank you for this!😇

I have looked in the pinned posts to remind myself of my goals...and things have slipped a bit! 😕

Goal 1 was to do an exercise 'video' twice a week on non-running days. I have done one since coming back from holiday at the beginning of May!😟 I do think about doing one, but don't....

So room for improvement there!

Goal 2 lose some weight by watching my portion sizes and eating healthily. Again all going very well up to my holiday.. I'm still taking recipies from the blood sugar diet recipie book, but allowing the treats to creep back in!

So room for improvement there!

Goal 3 to take part in an event. Well, here I am doing well. I have entered a 10k race event in September. I have been building up my distance running since holiday and am practising hills.

10k now feels less of a struggle, and I ran my tenth one last week without too much trouble.

Obviously goals one and two would add extra benefits...

Now that this is out there, I will try and make the improvements...

I will start by making a chart for the fridge with tick boxes for my exercise videos.😊xxx

skysue16 profile image
skysue16 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I made a chart to tick off when I did my strength exercises and it really helped 😊

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I’m glad you are really enjoying the videos. The NHS really does have some good stuff 😀. I think watching portion control on holiday Is virtually impossible. So exciting a 10km event, you will be brilliant.

Rfc x

Johnnylewis profile image

Mine keep changing. Main one is to work at my body so I don't feel embarrassed/uncomfortable taking my top off on holidays. I'm more or less just going with the flow on the rest. As long as I'm working harder than the previous week then I'm happy. This heel Injury has tought me just to enjoy what I do too.

Just seen my pt done the following in 56mins.

1 Mile run

100 pull ups

200 push ups

300 squats

1 mile run

(done with a 20lb vest on)

Think they diveded it up into 20 rounds.

Any how just wow.

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to Johnnylewis

With all the gym work I can see taking your top off not being an issue on holiday, unless you go to the North Pole 😂. It is good to adjust to how you Feel weekly and daily it will make your workout more effective. Rfc x

skysue16 profile image

I was doing really well but the last couple of weeks things have been hectic and I have lost momentum. I must make another tick list because that was working well 😊

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to skysue16

Life can get like that sometimes the best thing is to have some wiggle room built in too, I find that helps me. I used to have a schedule for 6 days a week now I do between 3/4 and then the rest of the days are fun days for exercise so I can do what I want. That seems to work quite well for me. Rfc x

Jogunlikely profile image

Bit of a disaster really.

I think i need a new sticker chart to kick start the motivation. It worked with c25k so why not this? Maybe one with bigger squares and different stickers for each activity 🤔 I currently have sparkly hearts for my running 😂

skysue16 profile image
skysue16 in reply to Jogunlikely

Sparkly hearts - sounds lovely and great motivator :)

Jogunlikely profile image
Jogunlikely in reply to skysue16

I'm thinking unicorns for the s&f work 🦄🦄🦄

skysue16 profile image
skysue16 in reply to Jogunlikely


Getfitok profile image

Well, I thought I’d totally fallen off the wagon😳 I’ve done no running at all during May, it just hasn’t happened. But I counted up all my other activities, gardening, badminton, walking & swimming (not managed s&f either) & I have completed 180 minutes a week, which was my target.

Definitely need to get cracking on the running & s&f (starting tomorrow when my daughter & family go home) or I won’t have the stamina for my 2nd goal, a non stop park run by my daughter’s birthday.

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to Getfitok

It is so easy not to take everything into consideration when we think about fitness, I am the world worst at compartmentalisation when it comes to what I have done, I always need to see the week as a whole otherwise my brain thinks I’m slacking. 180 mins a week is a great achievement, well done. Rfc x

linda9389 profile image

I just had to check the orig post to see what my goals were. That's not so good, oops! Doing well on goal 1 - yoga has appeared in my schedule regularly and I'm enjoying it too. My weaker left side has ailed again, so I really must get round to goal 2 of strengthening it - I did make a start, but then this issue with my foot started and I thought better wait till ater my last race. By the end of said race I could barely walk on left foot! Am ow on the injury couch making negative progress on goal 3 (reduce waist measurement).

Definitely room for improvement. Note to self - must try harder!

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to linda9389

Well done on your yoga, so many benefits from that. I am in the must try harder camp on that one 😀. Look after your injury and build up slowly when you are ready. Take care. Rfc x

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