I'm still little bit fat at the moment(121 kg at the moment ,working to get down to 90 kg ,30 percent body fat if I were to guess) ,but I can do 10 pull ups ,30 dips ,40 push ups ,25 burpees ,100 body weight squats ,100 sit ups ,and it comes to weighted calisthenics my best is is 25 kg weighted pull up ,45 kg weighted dips ,and 50 kg weighted push up. Is that at least decent ,or just plain bad?
What's Considered Good When It Comes To Ca... - Strength & Flex
What's Considered Good When It Comes To Calisthenics?

I can do precisely 0 sit-ups, well that was the last time I tried them... 100 is great... as are your other stats if you ask me. I did a 50 push-up challenge one month starting at 10 and being a sweaty mess and I think from memory I got to 50 in six weeks in the end, but I wasn’t doing all that stuff you’re doing too! Obviously the more we can do the more we will be able to do in the future, so I’m a fan of progression over absolute numbers... on some exercises your numbers are roughly where I’m aiming to be.
Those numbers are great, I am in my 50’s and really want to work up to unassisted pull ups by the time I am 60. I have had two frozen shoulders so it is a lot of work for me.
I guess with Stregnth building you have two options increase weights or Increase repetitions. For me I have always been in favour of a slight weight increase after a six week period if I feel too comfortable with the weight.
How are you finding the exercises as you are doing them? Are they still challenging you?
The other option is to increase how many you are doing.
Also with body weight exercises there are more complex ones. I know my physio had me doing one legged squats which were really hard work. As you progress form becomes even more important.
After I did 100 body weight squats ,my legs were sore the day after.
It really is quite a lot. I have two sorts of sore. 1) I can feel I have worked muscles and I can feel them slightly as I move, that I count as good sore or 2) every time I move that muscle it is sore nearly to the point of hurt, I class that as bad sore as I feel I have overworked the muscle and with the second one I have extra rest days with those muscles to allow them to heal. I find building stregnth there is a very fine line between a great workout and overdoing it.
If you are comfortable with the amount you are doing I would stick were you are at at the moment but if the soreness is a bit much I would take it down a notch, injury takes a lot more time to come back from than slowly building up.
Rfc x
I’d say this is more than decent Ibbi. I have no weight to lose and can do 0 pull ups, can only do push ups on the stairs and burpees scare me!! As I am just starting my strength journey I think what you can do is amazing.