So I'm sitting on the IC (having been here for 3 weeks, I'm feeling mighty sorry for myself) with an as yet undiagnosed foot injury - maybe tendonitis, maybe a stress fracture. I'm now 'in the system' to see someone but it could take 6-8 weeks so I need to make a concerted effort keep up some strength work.
At the moment weight bearing where I flex my foot or move it just wrong causes pain, and I really want to avoid that in case it's a stress fracture. This means lots of exercises are off the table (yay!) or at the very least need to be modified (e.g. planks and push ups on knees rather than feet). So, I wondered if anyone has any suggestions? on the basis that if you put the effort in to make a suggestion, the least I can do is put in the effort and try it out
So for starters I've got planks (on knees), push ups (on knees), clams, side leg lifts, bridges (heels raised onto a couch or step). Between strength work I will cycle too (although the weather looks pretty meh next week).
Any more suggestions for an indoor home workout so I can keep it interesting? TIA