My mind has gone into overdrive and wondered if anyone had looked into this from a Raynaud's affect point of view? I know it's out there but I'm trying to work through my Scleroderma and Raynaud's without chemicals. Any thoughts?
Out to left field, I live in Australi... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Out to left field, I live in Australia and was doing some reading about surgical procedures that used leaches to increase the blood flow.
hi, I wouldn’t volunteer myself to try this (!) but I did know that leeches are sometimes used in this way. However, in my understanding they are attached to very specific, limited areas to prevent tissue death and promote healing e.g. where a skin graft has been used.
Not sure that leech therapy could be applied for a systemic problem like Raynauds in any useful way, though I’m happy to be corrected if anyone knows more about this 😀
It’s a fascinating thought and I know, as Purple_Badgers has said, that leaches are in use medically , though I can’t work out how they might help Raynaud’s.
On a bad day I’d be quite ready to volunteer to try them. 😉
Interesting. What have you tried so far?
G'day, For me it's early days as I always thought I just had circulation issues due to past smoking. I've changed my diet to 80% carnivore + minimal fruit and veg (mainly in cold pressed juices), Multiple supplements like magnesium, plum extract and lion main which are beneficial immune system supplements, exercise and I have a hypobaric chamber as well as multiple heat producing gadgets (socks gloves and handheld warmers) In home A/C. I had a run in with big pharma several years ago that almost killed me and I have since seen they are only interested in masking symptoms not looking for cures. I believe the cure will be in diet and I'm doing a lot of study into that area.

Serious question - have you ever tried Viagra, or other vasodilator medication, for your circulation?
I never have but am aware it is commonly prescribed to men and women for that purpose.
I am interested in the long term impact of very poor circulation on the heart and arteries.
Interestingly, I note that my GPs seem not to be.
Another product you don’t mention is gingko biloba.
I would be much more comfortable living in a warm climate. I find the U.K. far too cold in the winter, how ever many clothes I wear.
I also find that the symptoms of poor circulation worse as I get older.
Any good news to report, from your tests?
What is your view on coffee and other caffeinated products?
Raynauds is a transient ischaemic attack ( it comes and go’s) . The use of leeches is probably useless long term and very inconvenient as it will have no long term effect. Best to avoid triggers eg wind chill , keep core temperature consistent and use vasodilators as medicated. If you do try it though would be interested to hear your results as I’m a health care practitioner as well as a scleroderma /Raynauds sufferer x
I have just googled it and see at least one medical paper on the subject. Look in a medical database and you will I’m sure find more.