I saw my rheumatologist today after complaining about my painful hands and wrists. The doctor mentioned that I don’t show any signs of inflammation on my hands or anywhere else. The reason I am confused is because I have been on hydroxychloroquine and prednisolone since September of last year. Enough time for the hydroxychloroquine to start working. I was under the impression that these were to help with inflammation.
The other part that has me confused is that originally when I was on no medication my ANA was a weak positive and after having it tested again in February this year (5months into hydroxychloroquine and steroids) it has come back negative.
The doctor ordered an X-ray of my hands, wrists and feet to check for any inflammation that might be on the inside and also mentioned getting an ultrasound and some chest tests (routine).
I did mention that I have been diagnosed by a doctor privately after having numerous tests and moved over to the nhs for treatment (mainly mycophenalate as recommended by the private doctor) but since being on the nhs all that’s happened is repeat blood tests and a lot of doubt that I even have scleroderma. She mentioned that I should consider getting another opinion if I’m not happy with the outcome.
I’m not really sure what I should do at this point. If I should ask to come off hydroxychloroquine to get a better picture (I’m nearly completely tapered off steroids now).
In terms of my hands they may not appear swollen but they seem to consistently have a dull ache (like toothache in the bones) and my wrists have gone very weak and achey too. I’ve had to start using stress balls because gripping them actually relieves some of the pain.
I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or has any suggestions on what I should do? Or if I should just not do anything