Anyone else get this?
Raynaud's in nipples?: Anyone else get... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Raynaud's in nipples?
What's the symptoms
Similar to fingers. Starts with extreme pain, then if it's possible to look in the mirror they go dark purple, almost black in the centre. They always go white after a shower but it's not painful at that stage and it always passes quite quickly. Haven't had the nipples thing since my last pregnancy 20 yrs ago so I'm horrified that it's starting to happen again now at 53!
In the last 6 months my reaction to even slight drop in temperature seems to affect everything.
Brychni I suffer with this, but I also suffer with costochondritis which doesn't help matters at all, and I haven't found anything that helps 😪
Hi Smudge, do you mind me asking how it started with you? Thanks
Hi, I’m glad you mentioned this as it’s not a common topic! I think maybe I have it, quite mildly though. Enough to make me too self conscious to wear thin tops without the protection of a padded bra or crop top. Sensitive, a little painful and standing to attention at the slightest change in temperature. If I’m getting changed, I’m quick to get covered up again. Annoying, but definitely not as bad as my fingers or toes which do get the colour changes.
I get it, very mildly , but only when I find myself unprepared for how chilly a wind might be.
Over the winter I have been knitting light wraps and shawls which can be carried in my bag when I go out in the summer, a light wool shawl can add interest to your outfit and i can wrap it about me
Alight wool shawl
I've also posted this on Lupu and NRAS...
Thank you all for your replies. Was interested to know how it might have developed, gone away or made a return as it seems to be with me. So:
I very first had it when I was pregnant (at 16) then in my other 2 pregnancies (30s). So in my nipples only ever when pregnant. I breast fed all 3 and didn't get it while breast feeding. an attack was severe, especially with my first. I remember, after weeks of putting up with it I finally took a look in the mirror and was horrified to see they had gone almost black. It was so bad it made me cry. I have no idea why I didn't tell the midwife. Perhaps as I was routinely ignored or bossed about on account of being so young I just kept my mouth shut.
With my second I did tell my midwife and she didn't know what I was talking about. Then with my third I took to Google and lo and behold discovered it was called Raynaud's although at that stage I had not yet started to get the white finger thing.
I'm bringing it up now because I felt it again the other day, for the first time in literally 16 years. (I'm not pregnant!!! 🤣 I couldn't believe it. I've also had issues with fingertips (and toes) and swollen fingers recently - almost like a flare up of something and all of it cold related even though weather is warming up now. It has all died down again but finger was really painful and looked like it was becoming infected.
The cold thing is horrible. Apart from the extrememties if I am still and cold it makes me feel sick and headachy. Then when I finally warm up, another new thing, is my cheeks going bright red and blotchy and staying like that for ages. It happens when it's sunny as well, especially in the car. Never had this in my life. Can't quite figure out if it is heat or sun.
Puting on cold shoes, even slightly cooler shoes, holding my hairdryer, touching steering wheel first thing, using mouse at work, getting into cool sheets - even it it's warm - I'm still using my electric blanket to take the edge off as I just can't bear to feel cool fabric!
Yes, nipple Raynaud's is utterly hideous! I only experienced it when I was breastfeeding (not necessarily during feeds, also while for example in supermarket freezer aisles!) and it didn't help that most healthcare professionals don't know about it and misdiagnose thrush. I have since read all the papers I could find about it, hoping to write a review paper to raise awareness, but life got in the way. It's such a strange sensation and to colour changes can be quite alarming. The best way to manage it is definitely avoidance if possible. It seems like the more you trigger it, the easier it is to trigger. I'm sure you don't need to be told how to avoid it, but I found some helpful advice on I think that's where I got the tip about blasting yourself or your clothes with a hairdryer!Raynaud’s wouldn't usually make you feel ill though so it may be worth getting it checked out, unless you already have other reasons for the changes in your experience of Raynaud’s. There are other causes of cold-induced problems, although they are rarer than Raynaud's. Or could it be hormonal? Anyway, tons of sympathy as it really is so unpleasant.
The first time I was aware I had Raynaud's in my nipple was following breast cancer surgery. The wound developed a haematoma, with hindsight, due to Raynaud's and a lack of sufficient blood circulation to the area. I required further surgery and then a different kind of dressing, which was battery-powered and monitored blood flow to the nipple, stimulating extra flow when needed. It was a traumatic experience for me and a school day for my surgeon!