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calcium deposits on my eye scans have Mac degeneration of eyes

Pycat123 profile image
9 Replies

recently had a circle floater round my eye won’t go away xxxhas anybody experienced this just came on the other day xxxhave limited scleroderma with calcium deposits in my tissues xxx

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9 Replies
Pixix profile image

Yes, Ihave, & I have quite a few ‘floaters’ in my eye. I have Raynauds, no scleroderma, but had floaters on & off for some years. At my last optician checkup I was told I have dry macular degeneration in both eyes. BUT I had the floaters on & off for years beforehand!! I wouldn’t describe them as a circle, though, more like a tiny tadpole shape.

Morganalefaye profile image
Morganalefaye in reply to Pixix

Are eye problems of this kind common in Reynauld’s? I’ve had iritis in my left eye and I’ve got so many floaters they make life very uncomfortable.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Morganalefaye

I’ve no idea, I’m afraid. My macular degeneration was only diagnosed a month ago, so I’m still learning about it. I have read about the ‘tadpoles’ in your eye in connection with MD, so wasn’t surprised to ‘see’ them! For me, the hardest thing is learning to ignore them, & not to ‘follow’ them around & try to focus on them!! I didn’t connect tadpoles to Raynauds at all, but am interested to see this post & learn more. I had suspected retina problems once, but it was like a black curtain to one side of my vision. I’d hit the side if my head in a fall. Quite different from the tadpoles!! Yes, it’s hard to ignore them, but if you get many then I’d think a visit to your optician would be good?!

Morganalefaye profile image
Morganalefaye in reply to Pixix

I had cataract replacement surgery in June and they examined me very thoroughly then, plus they keep an ‘eye’ on me anyway because I’ve had iritis.

They seem rather reluctant to replace the cataract in the ‘floaty’ bad eye so I just wondered if anyone knew of a connection between eye problems and Raynauld’s?

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Morganalefaye

I’ve no idea if that, either, I’m the wrong person to ask! I’ve had to give up trying to link medical issues, really! I now have 11 diagnosed medical diseases, & if I try to search for which one is linked with what I could go crazy! Obviously I’m always seeking answers, & would like to know! My macular degeneration, which was only diagnosed in December, appears not to be linked to anything else except genetics!! My father had it for the last twenty years of his life, & I believe this is the reason I have it now. Tbh, floaters aren’t something I think about at all…my mother had them quite often, so maybe Theresa genetic link…but maybe not!!

Morganalefaye profile image
Morganalefaye in reply to Pixix

Interesting! I definitely have Crohn’s, have had iritis, possibly Psoriatic Arthritis, CRPS, Raynauld’s, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and a few more. I’ve wondered for some time if anyone is studying the connection between various autoimmune conditions.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Morganalefaye

I have Polymyalgia, Fibromyalgia, Trochanteric bursitis, Hypermobility, Raynauds Syndrome, Osteo Arthritis, Sciatica, Essential Tremor, Haemangioma (spinal)! Orthostatic hypotension, Dry Macular Degeneration, Plantar Fasciitis…at the moment, ha ha!! A quite different set from you, but maybe there are crossovers, or similarities which scientists would see!! Or an autoimmune link?! S x

LadyTrundle profile image

book to see your optician in case it is detached retina. My optician thinks I had that once (sounds similar to you’ but I just thought ‘floaters’ and ignored it. Has settled, but optician has told me to see them straight away if it ever happens again. (No don’t think it’s esp scleroderma implicated?)

1CouchPotato profile image

Go to a retina specialist immediately! Not Opthamologist or optometrist. I have had little round black floaters in my left eye for almost 2 years. I ended up that I had a vitreous tear. Retina specialist & Opthamologist have been closely monitoring my eyes every 3 months.

In October, just a couple of months ago, on a Saturday night while watching TV, at 9:01pm, all of a sudden in my peripheral vision (left eye) there were tons of black, squiggly lines moving rapidly. By 9:10 PM, the black squiggly lines had moved across the upper portion of my eye, & towards the center of my nose still with rapid movement in the lines. 9:31 PM, I lost total vision in my left eye. I called the retina doctors office, and they put me through to the on-call doctor… I decided to wait until Monday morning to see my regular retina Doctor who was much more local to me (I was not about to drive, and haven’t driven in almost 3 years due to POTS) and I had to rely on my 85-year-old mother to take me to my appointment. All in all it was pretty stupid. I probably should have gone to see the Specialist even though she was an hour and a half away. On Monday, I went to my retina doctor, and they dilated my eyes, did all the basic x-ray vision tests, etc. retina doctor came in, shined the bright light in my eyes, and determined via the images taken of my eye, and his examination, which also included an ultrasound on the eyelid, that my vitreous tear had torn my retina causing a severe hemorrhagic bleed. Doctor said no retina detachment. Phew! He told me I was considered legally blind! Yes, I freaked out a little bit. However, he also told me it could be fixed. He told me to come back the next day (Tuesday), but to one of their other offices, where there is better surgical equipment, and he would fix the tear.

Arrived at the appointment, and went through the whole dilation and imaging process again. Initially he said he was going to do laser treatment to repair the tear, but because it was such a bad hemorrhage, he couldn’t see through all the blood in order to do laser. Laser goes straight through to the back of the eyeball where the retina is. instead, the doctor treated my tear with cryotherapy.

I am a very slow healer. I am about 80% healed currently (12/19/23) and my vision is still a little blurry as it is still healing and the blood is still dissipating. Most recently I have a couple of annoying black floaters in my left eye, and the doctor explained to me that it is the blood breaking up, and the floaters will disappear (sort of like if you put a clump of dirt into a glass of water, it would start to break apart, and little chunks would fall into the water… it’s the same as the blood basically drying up and flaking off like a scab).

So basically, in regards to your eyes and floaters… go to the retina specialist!!!

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