I have plantars faciatis and my feet are burning from the bottom coming around to the top of my foot! My Raynauds is so bad that my Rhumy is putting me on Viagra. I wonder if this will help my feet. Doc says I also have a little neuropathy. Does anyone else have this?
Plantars faciatis, Neuropathy, and Ra... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Plantars faciatis, Neuropathy, and Raynauds

Feeling for you. My mix is different but could say similar, so will run through it for you, for what it's worth:
collapsed metatarsals with simultaneous raynauds & erythromelalgia (my erythromelalgia burning sounds like yours possibly? Daily cycle with first soles of feet inc toes inflame, then burning hits top of feet and creeps up ankles...right foot worst (nifedipine trial for raynauds a total disaster as made erythromelalgia hugely worse). Get nerve firing in tones ith pins needles and numbness. Mortons neuromas worsening or whatever you call developing. Nerve conduction tests indicate major nerves ok, implication being my minor nerve network is involved, but mortons neuromas seem to contradict that somewhat...All stuff happens everyday in all weathers. Have worn orthotics since my 20s (am 58, had physically active lifestyle with a lot of walking) and bespoke langer orthotics for 20 years, at first just arch support, a few years ago had to add metatarsal domes. Was diagnosed with systemic lupus last year (apparently have had it all my life) + mixed connective tissue disorder and hypermobility. Have been on plaquenil 400 mg daily since June which has taken edge off joint pain generally all over body, but I'd say the feet symptoms are so multidiscipline (as my gp calls it) that plaquenil isn't going to help every aspect of my probs there. Meanwhile I cope with falke socks, keeping off my feet most of the time and going easy while I'm on them.
My sister is physically v similar to me and has plantar fasciitis like you. Not sure why I got met probs instead of that
Hope helps a bit
Good luck
Hi, I have schleroderma/connective tissue etc but it all started with erythromelalgia. I then developed Raynaids. I now have really sore painful heels which Im thinking could be plantar fasciatis
I live life swinging from EM to Raynauds and back again all over my feet midway to my shins. I hirts more now that the tops of my feet are involved!
I take Lyrica and Cymbalta and Strong opiate pain medication but it only stops the stabbing raging pain not the burning fire pain!
Its the heels that are new and I havent a clue what to do its making it nigh on impossible to even walk at the moment. I dont have flat feet or any other feet issues I have small fibre neuropathy in feet and some in hands I also think really I have autonomic nerve disorder yet to be confirmed
everyday is a struggle.......
Hi there, I sympathise with you, this condition is not nice for anyone. I have Raynauds and Limited Scleraderma. July,2011 I developed a heel spur, and what was thought to be plantar faciatas, my left foot was so painful first thing in the morning when putting pressure on it. After being put on Naproxen, then ibuprofen, then having a steroid injection into my heel (which had little or no effect) I have been referred to a podiatrist for assessment. Nine months on,I still can't walk for more than about 20 minutes a day otherwise a suffer with burning sensations and stabbing pains in my foot for the rest of the day My rheumatologist says these symptoms are not in keeping with a heel spur, but might be biochemical. If I ever find out what it is I'll post another comment..
Hello again, haven't been diagnosed with anything yet, still waiting to see a podiatrist for assessment, nobody seems to be in a hurry to help sort this problem out, and the professionals don't seem to realise how debilitating it is. Never heard of erythromelagia until now but i am on the case and am researching it to see if my symptoms compare. Thanks, will keep in touch.
My gosh, tampateacher: gotta thank you again for getting this going!
I've been on this forum for a year now and this is one of the few times I've run into erythromelalgia buddies: grrrreat to be in touch (horrible to have erythromelalgia especially for me simultaneous ith raynauds cause the treatments so often contradict each other. It's a constant juggling act. I have them also especially in my hands...not quite as much pain as the feet though (I often think: if I walked on my hands, they'd be as painful as my feet.....)). At my age (58) everyone seems to think they know what foot pin is. But really they have no idea if they are actually still able to walk. I've just about come to terms with my severe limitations, and I can just about manage the pain & burning, but it is a instant ordeal. And I can't face the idea that a more effective treatment isn't out here: something that can give me my feet back, even if only slightly...
Ajftk: I'm with you, can barely stay on my feet more than 30 min. Your symptoms sound nightmarish. How long has this been so bad? You said heel is new? Hope you'll stay in touch, even if by private message
annieMc: have you been diagnosed ith erythomlalgia? yes please do stay in touch, even if by private message
Take care & good luck
Hi Just seen your message. Oh yes I had it for 3 years. I am ok now so keep going. I started wearing crocs and still wear them to this day, I swear by them. I also do stretches with my legs and feet. So sorry to hear this, as it is so painful
But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Also try orthotics, you can get them from the hospital, or any good chemist, or online or course.
Hi tampateacher, So sorry for you challenges. I have Raynaud's, among 21 other issues. I can only address your Raynaud's...ask your doc about putting you on Pentoxifylline ER - 400mg 3X a day. It Improves blood flow. It makes your blood cell "slippery". Ii thought it sounded funny, but I agreed to try it. I have had no big flare ups in the 4 months I've been taking it. I have one finger turn white now and then. I used to "loose" all of my fingers and toes even in warm breezes. I can't say enough about this med. My ortho doc prescribed it. He said that a lot of docs have no faith in it. I am so thankful that my ortho doc does! It has changed my life drastically. I even wear sandals into restaurants, not my wool socks and boots! God bless you and I pray that you find some relief, as I have.
Thank you all for your comments. My Lupus Dr. is putting me on Viagra. I'm waiting for my new script to come in the mail. I have heard that a lot of doctors prescribe Viagra to increase circulation and improve the symptoms caused by Raynaud's syndrome. I don't know if the Viagra will work yet for my Raynaud's but I've read good things about it. But thank you for telling me about the new medicine you are taking that makes your blood cells slippery. I will keep that in mind. But in the meantime, I can't wait to see how the Viagra works for me and to see if the Viagra will help improve the problem I have with my feet. Your information has been very helpful. It would be real nice if the Viagra would be helpful in clearing up the burning feeling in my feet as well. For all of you that have the same symptom, I think you will agree that it is not fun when your feet get so hot and burn like you are walking across hot coals. I will keep you all posted on my progress. If it works for me maybe it'll work for someone else too.
I wanted to ask some of you for a little more information about your burning feet. When you sit down and prop your feet up, does the redness go away? When I sit down and prop my feet up the redness goes away. And when I'm in a cold room where the air-conditioning is on, it takes a lot longer for my feet to turn red. I don't know if this has to do with my planters fasciitis or circulation problems maybe complicated from the Raynaud's.
I feel like some of you have more experience than some of the doctors out there. Thank you so much!
Hello again Tampateacher
Just returned to check how your ? Continued. There is so much really good stuff here. I hope Viagra helps you, and I hope you'll let us know how you get on. Even if it's by private message. I'm like you: I feel like forum members have more experience than many drs!
To reply to your ?s:
Yes my redness does slightly reduce when I put my feet up, but it doesn't go away
Yes in v cold spaces my redness takes longer to get going, but often it is there just on my soles even when my feet are white with cold
My impression is that yes our sort of probs are a mix of circulation issues (mine I think is vasculitis & raynauds related, but due mainly to my primary conditions (systemic lupus & mixed connective tissue disorder & hypermobility), and I have peripheral neuropathy plus morphological changes due to joints collapsing in my metatarsal). On the lupusuk healthunlocked forum they tend o say that this sort of 'mix' means we get multidiscipline treatment....boy is that right: just for my feet/hands thing I go to 3 different clinics....
Hoping the best for you
I have a lot of neuropathic pain, spasms, burning, stabbing in both feet and many other areas. I have SPMS, disabled since 2001 and recently diagnosed with Raynaud's. Autoimune problems seem to have blurred edges with similar symptoms in many areas.
I wish the question was reprinted by the leave a comment box for those of us with cognitive function problems.
I try to look outwards as much as possible otherwise I might not want to get out of bed.
Sounds to me that you may also have erhthromelalgia....a symptom itof schleroderma sadly itdiagnosed itomnipotent itmany cases. I have this and it started 3 years before schleroderma diagnosis then i too had raynauds.to find out more re em you can read the wikipedia definition and also go to the erhthromelalgia associate
Or of course contact me if ypj need any input
Sounds to me that you may also have erhthromelalgia....a symptom itof schleroderma sadly itdiagnosed itomnipotent itmany cases. I have this and it started 3 years before schleroderma diagnosis then i too had raynauds.to find out more re em you can read the wikipedia definition and also go to the erhthromelalgia associate
Or of course contact me if ypj need any input