My skin doesn't become red or sore, its just annoying and embaressing. Does anyone know of any soaps/shower gels that will help?
I have a lot of itching around my torso. - Scleroderma & Ray...
I have a lot of itching around my torso.

I too have a very distressing itchy torso, predominently by back. I have consulted by consultant with this and have now been referred to the Renal Physicians. Answer could be several things including allergies. I have found that citrus fruit and anything acidic i.e. vinegar can exacerbate the itch.
Dove Triple moisturising helps a lot I find.
I don't suffer from this myself, but find Aloe Vera shower gel and Aloe Vera gel (both available at places like Holland & Barrett) are great for any dry/itchy skin.
Hi Jane. Do you have Raynaud's or scleroderma? If you have scleroderma, itching is often an early symptom that often improves over time.
I have terrible itching, mostly at night or when I'm over tired. I have tried everything from benedryl to anti-itch lotions nothing seems to work. It has been this way since I was 18 (when I was first diagnosed with Raynauds, 26 with Scleroderma, 40 with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) I will be 48 next month other than making sure I get adequate rest (which is extremely difficult with my insomnia issues!) I haven't found a solution to the itching.