Also these. Like the previous pictures they appear very quickly, suddenly, in the time it takes to drive to work for example. I've had them on my toes too. They're very deep and the fingertip ones are quite tender. Anyone know what they are?
More red spots : Also these. Like the... - Scleroderma & Ray...
More red spots

I have these, they are called telangiectasia and are blood vessels that widen.I was shown mine under the microscope at the Royal free in London. I have several that have randomly appeared, on my hands and also my face I dont think they are anything to particularly worry about
it might just be one of those things that’s unique to your connective tissue disease.. The fact they are sore might mean you need to be on a treatment (or a more effective one) for your Raynaud’s. If they come and go then don’t I think they telengecstasia -which don’t hurt and are under the skin but stay once they’ve arrived
Hi Ted, yes, they do go after a while. I've been getting them more frequently lately. I also get a strange rash of tiny red freckles on the backs of my hands which I'm pretty certain is thrombocytopenia. Might be the same thing. I'm having bloods done today (rheumatology) as I'm in a lot of pain after feeling relatively ok until a few months ago. Started a new job and all of a sudden everything hurts. Not suggesting the two are connected! Just typical 🙄. I love my new job and most days I'm in pain.
Oh no that’s really frustrating about this flare of something new coinciding with starting a new job - I’m sorry.
I did go through a similar stage after a few years off medications (my former rheumy’s choice, not mine). But my present rheumy agreed to let me retry Mycophenolate at start of pandemic and then, when little spots were bad (felt like needles in my finger pads) she got me a steroid jab, increased my dose of Mycophenolate and started me on Iloprost infusions.
She thought it was small vessel Vasculitis but my bloods were negative for ANCA. Anyway the treatments worked - especially the Iloprost - which chased off the finger tip pain overnight and I’ve never had the spots again since, bloods all normal now too after decades of being wonky with high immunoglobulins (Sjögren’s/ Vasculitis). So I hope you get taken simikarly seriously. Be sure to emphasise new job as I think it helps doctors see us as people. Take care 😊
Hi Brychni, I have those too on my fingers, nothing to worry about. I have Raynaud's and limited Scleroderma. They are a nuisance if you get them on your face. You could try laser treatment if on the face but no guarantee it's effective.