Whenever I’m out walking, about 10 minutes in my hands turn completely white except for the very tips which are blood red. Anyone know what this is?
White fingers, red finger tips - Scleroderma & Ray...
White fingers, red finger tips

Hi Idunno 😊🌸🌿🦋
It sounds like it may be due to Raynauds. I have Raynaud’s phenomenon. Just a slight breeze or chill would cause my hands and feet to do this. As the circulation starts coming back into the affected area it pinks up or sometimes turns red.
Just 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Inherited Erythromelalgia. This causes intense burning and red lobster coloration of my skin all over my body. This becomes a vicious relentless cycle of freezing white skin then burning up and red lobster colored skin. My condition is inherited from my dad and mother.
You should talk to your doctor about your symptoms.
Best wishes and take care.
Hi, I think this is worth seeing your GP about even if you already have a diagnosis for Raynaud's (Primary or Secondary). As Honeybug says, their could be an underlying issue you are not yet aware of, so getting it looked at just seems sensible.
I used to get the same thing on my feet - white feet, bright red toes (from the tip to the bottom of the nail, and sometimes further). Fortunately I was seeing my Rheumy regularly at the time and he said they were "chilblains" - or words to the effect- it's oh so long ago!!! :O) Anyway, the way I stopped it was to wear several layers of thermal socks in the house and put a thermal lining in my shoes.
So, may I suggest that you look into wearing gloves more whilst you're waiting for a diagnosis. I would recommend Patra Silk glove liners and gloves. I mainly wear the liners on their own about the house and find that they keep the chill of my hands, reduce the reaction to cold things (like outdoor handles) and are thin enough to do many tasks in. Patra also make silk gloves, web address: -patra.com/Search/gloves. I don't go out much, but when I do I wear "outdoor gear" fleece gloves - some makes I have used are "hi gear", Trekmates, Rab, berghaus - I use Go Outdoors a lot, web address: gooutdoors.co.uk/search/go?...
Wishing you a quick diagnosis, N xx