I am still not sure if I have Raynaud's or not.
It started last April with freezing cold hands. They are ALWAYS cold, they never get warm. And some of the fingers are a bluish red.
I had an appointment with a rheumatologist, where nothing came out of it. She arranged for all kind of blood tests which were normal. Then I had an appointment with a vascular surgeon who arranged for an ultrasound. Everythign is normal.
In his letter he says:" I think it is just a variation in the blood flow through the skin without any underlying vascular cause. This will just be treated by keeping your hands warm. It may be that Nifedipine tablets will help."
But my hands are still freezing cold and red all the time (even in summer with the heatwave). Nothing hurts but it is uncomfortable and ugly. I wear fingerless gloves all the time, even at night.
I have private health insurance through work and could see another specialist. But wondering what kind of specialist would be best now? I live in Kent, easy to go to London. I would appreciate some recommendations.
Thank you!