Freezing cold most of the time... All over the body apart from sweating under the arm pits and groin area!!!
Colour changes with pins & needle, numbness and pain
Muscular & and bone pain,
Tightness of skin and stiffness on hands
Red skin surface rash on kneck (looks like broken blood vessels)
Red itchy rash on legs, sometimes all over... (to much hesitamin)
Acid sick come up or feeling sick a lot
Dizziness, light headed.
Eyes effected by light.. natural light, white sky etc
Chest pains.. throught the rips / under light breast... Effect left shoulder and top arm..
The runs on and off for over 9 months .. plus black stools!
Sweat loads in the night..
If I exercise for more the five mins I ve over heated, I'm bright red like a tomatoe and pouring like a river of sweat!!!
My circulation to my lower legs go if I sit longer then five mins ... Turning my lower legs purple the pins& needles or if I stand for to long 5 mins I start gettin wobbly legs and pains...
Small white lumps on face about ten or more!!! (have no idea what they are)
Feeling tired and sleepy all the time.... Most days can't get up til late morning afternoon..
(Not good if you've got two kids)
1 minute Im awake and my brain is functioning properly the next minute Im laying down alseeping... Was helping my partner convert my dads van, carpeted the inside, made cabinet, bed
etc.. I've been busy working the next I sit down to gave a drink, then looked around and ended up sleep in the back of the van under the bed on top of all the tools... It' s like someone pulling the plug out of the computer..
Plus I have bipolar ...
Thanks for taking the time to read this.. don't suppose anyone is getting the same symptoms as me.. I ve really had enough now and just want to find something that will help..
Plus I'm really not looking forward to this winter too.