I get these paper like cuts on my hands now for years and they hurt really bad. I now have 8 of my 10 fingers with bandaids because they bleed all the time. I'm 66 if that makes any difference. Can't handle this constant pain, does anyone know what I can use? Thank you for your time!
Deep paper like cuts on my fingers - Scleroderma & Ray...
Deep paper like cuts on my fingers
Hi J1966. Yes, I get them too. They are very painful and make every day tasks challenging. I describe it as "like touching barbed wire ".
I also use band aid finger strips to protect them, with Sudocrem, which is a thick antiseptic cream. It helps the cuts to heal more quickly and brings some relief.
(I also have the same condition on my feet).
Best wishes
Hi J1966,I also suffer from this and I use SNOWFIRE which is a stick emollient. Soothing and helps heal the little cuts
I also use sudocrem as it helps moisturise swell as antiseptic. I also massage it into the bad bits before bed, then pop my hands into silver-thread mittens. it keeps the cream from smearing all over the sheets, but also keeps my fingers that bit warmer so blood keeps in them and the warmth + moisture helps soften the skin - eases pain and holds back new ones happening.
For a different chronic pain condition I was recommended Boswelia eg dose 1-2x day depending on pain level 307mg (128 mg extracted) , also enhanced turmeric (aka curcumin with black pepper) capsules, And one of the consultants here in the UK suggests garlic capsules (eg dose 4000 mg garlic -of which 3.6 mg Allecin - one x daily) and gingko biloba (eg dose 500mg capsules, 1 x daily ).
Good luck
Hi there Yes I get them too, sometimes they turn into ulcers but not always if you can catch them early.
I have recently discovered medical grade manuka honey which you can buy online or from health food shops. It’s honesty been miraculous and such a huge relief. My practice nurse recommended it to me so I have been spreading the word as much as I can! It has natural antibiotic properties and stops them drying out too. I also dress them with breathable Melolin dressings held on with Mefix tape (also available online) which is stretchy and also breathable. It means wearing waterproof gloves for everything but totally worth the faff.
Hope you get some relief soon
Hi I have them they a called. Digital ulcers I use Neutrogena's hand cream as soon as the skin starts to split hope this helps.
I agree with all the other suggestions… also ‘Gloves In A Bottle’ which is a shielding lotion. I find that helpful. Www.glovesinabottle.com Hope you get some relief.
I also get those deep painful finger cuts. There are some wonderful suggestions here that I will try. I have used super glue to close up the cuts quickly which a nurse suggested to me.
Also my husband used to gently with a blade take the hard skin off edge if they went Deep quickly . They won’t join if left especially feet as walking re opened them . Me fix tape , that’s the one not fix it as I said earlier!! I did not use cream before Me fix and it did the trick quickly.