Hi all I'm back again! I keep getting what can only be described as an electric shock feeling that runs mainly through my arms and hands and my legs, it's not constant but some days it's worse than others and can be felt quite strong and often!! It doesn't hurt it's like an intense tingle and sometimes the stronger surges make me itch the skin where I felt it!! I've been getting these for some time and at first it was put down to an allergic reaction to the antibiotics I was on but has continued since I stopped taking them! I have Raynauds and take clopidogrel for this and also now have rosacea on my face, has anyone else experienced these feelings? They don't hurt they are just annoying and sometimes uncomfortable!!! Thanks Jo
I get like an electric shock feeling ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I get like an electric shock feeling that runs through my body, has anyone else experienced this?

Yes I use to feel like that quite often till the doctors placed me on gabentien-i have raynauds n scleroderma
Yes, I have had those for years. I call them surges; they start at the top and go through my entire body; so strange. I have not noticed them since I've been on CellCept the last year and a half. I also get surges of "chills", separate from the electrical type of surges. I usually get those when I go to bed. I have no solutions for them; just a manifestation of the disease, I guess. I'm just letting you know that you are not alone in this.
I had this problem for a number of years every time i asked a gp or hospital i was never given an answer .It used to drive me mad , i also had it down one shoulder and back .i have learned since then it could be caused by the fibromyalgia i also suffer from, hope this helps a little best wishes Lyn
I have been having I believe the same thing you are having my entire life and I am only 12 years old but I am going crazy over how distracting it is during school. I am on absolutely no medication and I am a healthy girl. I will reply again if I find anything out. All I see on the Internet is that it could be from stress but I am never really stressed. Please email me at emmywolffe888@gmail.com if you could tell me ANTHING about this or if you are having electrical shocks or surges that can sometimes a little cold. The shocks go through my entire body and can last a few seconds. They also sometimes can make me drop what I have in my hand or kick unintentionally. Please email me if you are having familiar symptoms or can help me.
Hello. I read about your symptoms and wanted to tell you what my Dr. found with me. I've been having the electricity, muscle burning, and shaky muscles and kicking leg bit for the last year. He had a bunch of blood work done and what we found was that I don't have enough vitamin K. You get it from being in the sun mostly and I don't really go outside much. He said it affects the transmission of nerves and that when there isn't enough K, the messages get transmitted wrong or not at all. I have to start taking a prescription dose of Vitamin K and go back in 3 months for follow up blood tests. For me, it could take up to a year to get my level back up high enough. Hope this helps you!! Have some blood work done. I know how terrible this feeling is. I'm just glad to know I'm not crazy!!!
This is Gma3 again--I think I got the vitamin wrong. I think it is vitamin D. I'll call the Dr. tomorrow and find out for sure. Which ever one it is, have some blood work done. Sorry for the confusion.
Hi emmy, I just want to say that I too get these feelings. These "pulses" so to speak, that start in my head and spreads downward. It makes me feel like I'm going to pass out or fall to the ground. This just started a few weeks ago;at least that's when they started getting bad enough to become concerned. Now you mentioned you were 12 yo when you posted& this origanally? I'm 33 and I use drugs. Please please please don't ever get into ANY drugs!!! They are the $ggg%t devil. With that being said ,I want to ask you if you ever figured anything out. And if my symptoms are caused by the same thing causing yours or if mine is caused by the "devil". Ugh I just can't take it anymore. My next stop is the hospital. I really didn't want to go that route due to the fact I'll have to tell them the truth. Which honestly at this point in my life, telling the truth is all I do. I lied enough during my 20 year marriage. If it's something wrong with me other than using, than I need to get it figured out. The U.S. for your time. Please let me know
I’ve gotten these 2 times in 3 years. I feel fine and it hits me all at once. Yesterday I was at work and felt fine and got this sensation that ran from head down thru body. It doesn’t hurt but it makes me almost fall. I was st work and it made me feel like I was gonna fall and I grabbed on to a cart and held on and slowly got better but I have no idea why this happens. It’s scary when it happens and then for few mnts feel a little shooken up by it.
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and if that wasn't enough I also have peripheral neuropathy/ sensory, motor and autonomic. So in other words "I have it all" and it's been a nightmare. Just got out of hospital from blacking out and the hospital doctors couldn't find a reason for my episode's. I'm 62 and it took 4 years to figure all this out...and did most of it on my own. I prayed for healing every day and I have some good days and a lot of very very bad days....God Bless Lisa💓
i also feel this many times in every day mostly in night can anyone tell me what is it..? And why it happen.? it seem like it give me energy in my body for a second ..someone plz tell me what is it on my id
I have had these symptoms since around puberty, but in my case they are triggered at will. Whenever I am sick or injured I feel a buildup and I can trigger these electrical surges throughout the body while exhaling and triggering a strong emotion (anger, love, fear). I have tried documenting and experimenting with the effects (professional defect as I'm an engineer) and I have measured increases in healing and even amelioration of the symptoms (sickness, pain, anxiety, fever going away almost entirely). A side effect is that afterward I enter a state of emotional apathy and feel mentally exhausted.
From what I've read so far related to neurology and hormones it might be a cortisone surge cause by a self-induced state of stress, cortisone being responsible for an increase in regeneration. I am not sure if that is the case, but it would explain most of the symptoms and side effects, and could be unconsciously triggered by a high stress environment.
Guess I just want more information on this so I can better understand what is going on. Anyone had an EEG or hormonal checks regarding this?
yeah its the same with me.....i also trigger it at will and also helps me when i have any aches in the body or if am sick, i will trigger it 1 or 2 times and i will start feeling better, and if i keep triggering it continuously it will slowly damp down and after giving it sometime it will again come back to its full magnitude as if got recharged. If i successfully stop doing it for 2 to 3 days and do it after that the first trigger will be really jollty
Same here! I've had these for years and always wondered what they were. I've been practicing for fun holding the surge up and at this time I can hold it up for ~4-5 seconds without "breaking the flow". I also experience the same emotional apathy and mental exhaustion afterward, as if it's a resource that can be depleted (at least for a time until it recharges). I trigger mine the easiest through feelings of determination and/or anger but they're not always needed.
Very nice to hear that others experience the same thing! Keep this thread up, it's very interesting reading about all you peoples' experiences!
I get that electric shot in my fingers and arms and shoots down my left leg
I have it right now I read it's due to me stopping my antidepressants suddenly it's a weird feeling but I've re ordered them again
Yes, I've got scleroderma and raynauds. I get this when lying down in bed and it feels like a cold tingle going through my body. A very strange sensation. I also get tingly and numb fingers.
I am looking for a diagnosis! I get the electric shock feeling in my arms and hands. Both hands “fall asleep” frequently, making my hands cold much of the day. (They do not change colors, like Raynaud patients.) My legs are constantly bruised. They bruise easily and take a very long time (months) to fade. The bruising only occurs on my legs. I saw a vein specialist about this, but got no answers. He was, however, concerned about slight swelling and redness in both ankles.
I am not sure that these things are related. Please share any similar experiences and diagnoses.
I get it to in my chest
I experience this daily......anytime anywhere......trust me i am not a troll but it doesn't hurt either it is annoying like you say i am still trying to figure it out too i talked with my family doctor and he said it might have something to do with electromagnetic field's.... It makes sense but i think my case is a bit strange since it is with me 24/7 and i always just thought it was a normal sensation like nerves etc....but i guess not i have only heard of others that have it on and off but mine is constant.... So dunno what it is to be honest i think it might be something otherwordly but that is just nuts to me since i believe in logical ideals(oh and dogs and birds LOVE me and my pets especially my cat and other animals are so calm even they seem dead, eyes rolling in the back of their heads etc when i am around them or touch them it is hilarious to me)
But who knows.......maybe i will never find out about this unsolvable mystery
It is absolutely annoying how i don't have answers
I've been googling my symptoms for maybe a year now and I've never read anything that's so similar to what I experience than you. I always can feel surges in my body, I would describe it as an electricity type feeling. I've been to my GP who can't diagnose me and I can only describe it as otherworldly as well.. Do you feel it everywhere in your body at all times or does it flare in certain spots when you think? I'm very curious and it's nice to finally find someone who might be able to comprehend what I go through.
Me i feel it everywhere in im body 😡😡
How long have you had this? Can you try to explain what it feels like? Also, do you experience uncontrollable shaking sometimes? More specifically in the chest or head?
I hade it for over 20 y and i didn't found any solution I can only be described it as an electric shock feeling that runs all over my body in my head legs arms all over my body it's not constant but some days it's worse than other i feel burn with it and it make me itch the skin where I felt it!! and now i am living with it and i don't tell anyone about it becausse i didn't found any solution and my doctor said to me that my feeling no one heard about it and in medical their is so such thing as electric shock 😐😐😐 only god can help me 😔😡
If you find any solution plz tell me becausse i didn't found anyone in my country like me and no doctor know a solution !!! I am living with it and convince my self that nothing wrong and I fully comprehend your feeling and i thank god that i found someone like me
I will yes. The doctors I've spoken to have never helped me and it gets hard to not be able to talk to anyone who could understand. My electric nerves never hurt me physically but they don't do great for me mentally. I understand how difficult it can be to live with. It's hard to hear you have lived with this for 20 years.. Did they just start one day out of the blue, did they come gradually over a few weeks and kept getting stronger or did something you went through trigger it?
I remember the first day when it's start I was walking and suddenly I felt this surge i don't know how to describe it , its electric burn surge with no reason in all my body and i told my parent and went to the doctor i had a full medical test to all my body even i have done IRM for all my body i paid over than 5000$ for medical test and i was in a very good health nothing wrong and in the same time i used to have Sweaty Hands also ! And it getting stronger every month till i got uset to it and when I think or study i fell it stonger ! I don't know what to do and i give up 😔😔 i don't talk to someone about it i wish i can die and ask god for the reason ! i thing that the reason is nerve damage and it will never be repair
Hi Etien, I understand all of this. My situation is slightly different but I think everyone's is. Every single time I wake up, no matter if its 2 o'clock in the morning, a 15 minute nap or when I wake up for good, I have this pulsating, electrical, what I call a body migraine, EVERY TIME. It stimulates every organ in my body. It's our brains that's causing this nerve reaction. It's not our fault. Our brains are sending signals to our body through our nervous system. It bothers us through our emotions and that feeds the brain to keep doing it. I've had this surging for almost for three years. I am so tired of it. When I wake up, the surges are affecting my head, heart and kidneys the worst. And during it, I have pulsating, palpitations and hissing in my ears. It's scary. If I move, it gets worse. Nevertheless, I have to force myself to go to the bathroom, very slowly and then get ice on my head to calm the pulsating down and get rid of the heat.
There is a MindBody program that was suggested to me by my neurologist. It's called "Unlearn Your Pain," by Howard Schubiner MD. It's a workbook and there are many doctors teaching this program now. Also you can see him on YouTube. I am going to Dr. Schubiner now. I've only been to see him 3 times and read half the book. It's easy reading but we have to work at it when we dont feel like it. These surges are pain signals from the brain. Basically this is all called Mind Body Syndrome (MBS). The brain is stuck in a fight or flight mode and is set to go off any time IT wants to. But this program teaches the brain to get unstuck and in the process we create new neurons. It is 100% reversible. The thing is that it takes persistence and constistance through the pain (electrical surges, shocks, burning, hissing, numbmess, etc) that's the hard part. Some psychologist could help guide you through it too.
I have been to many, many doctors, no real answers but shots for migraines. Hmmm... One doctor told me that sleep was my trigger. Oh goodie, so I suppose to stay away from my triggers? Hmm, again... I am a Highly Sensitive Person too. I have lots of other things wrong like fibromyalgia, Myofascia syndrome, IBS, burning mouth syndrome (BMS), palpitations, etc. Nevertheless, this program tells that all these issues are related to the brain sending fight or flight signals through the nervous system. The real problem we have to learn is that there is nothing really wrong with us, it signals from the brain that's causing all of this to happen. It does this because it feels some sort of danger (like stress, abuse, pressure, PTSD, etc) and then after so many times of this, that's the clue to continue sending signals. We all experience different signals depending on the person. Then we get frightened by them and keep wondering what's wrong with us and that feeds the symptoms even more. All this is is the brain sending signals to the body because its stuck in a danger pattern. Even if we aren't afraid of it, we are connected to it emotionally in someway and that's how it continues. The program helps us to disconnect and feel compassion towards ourselves.
I'm in the first process of the program and learning as I go. It may take me a long time to unlearn this because I have many issues but this electrical surging throughout my body everytime I wake up is the worst. It's coming from my subconscience. Everyone is different in their recovery too. Some will get better fast and some longer. I can see a teenie bit of change. That's better than the three years of torture. Now that I know what it is and what I have to do to stop it.
It teaches self compassion too, that really helps the symptoms. Also about how to deal with emotions and past experiences that are concreted into our subconscience. It's an amazing program. I'd suggest it to anyone that has anything like a syndrome. Because "syndromes" usually means the doctor has no other answer because there is actually nothing physically wrong. Actually, mentally there isnt either, it's the brain that has turned into a signal sender. Even with some disorders, it's the same thing.
Nevertheless, I hope this helps someone. I know I have a long way to go but it's better than where I am now. Good luck to everyone.
Take care.
My uncle is a smart doctor he his responsible in a big hospital in USA i told him everything about my situation and all the medical test i have made he told me that in medical book that feeling don't exist 😡😡😡😡😡 that is why no doctor has a clear answear if they don't be abel to see a bad result in medical test than they cannot help us !!! No one can fell it 😔😔😔😔 just don't think about it becausse it will never stop ! I wish a doctor fell it sow he can found a solution 😔 i am living with it every dayy but somedays i don't fell it !! 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ i am so glad that am not the only person on earth
Wow yeah I completely agree with everything. Mine started when I was 18 I think and now I'm 20 and still I break down and cry that I have all these feelings in my body. Life has already dealt me a load I can barely put up with and this on top of it makes life a not so enjoyable ride. I believe in god too, I used to believe god gave this to me since I developed it when I went through a spiritual awakening and started to believe in god. Now I think it's probably just nerve damage and now I beg God to let me die over and over. It's too much and I'm a very sensitive person. It makes me feel like I'm cursed because the feeling influence every decision I make because they flare up every thought I have.
I give up to find any solution but i didn't give up on life ! I used to say i wish i had a disease and people know about it ! You need to fight it in a mental why and abel to continu your life you will get into dep depression and no one will help you trust me i have it over 20 y ! The doctor will call you crazy because they don't know that felling !!! I know what you fell but the only solution is to forget it even when it's cum when you think or study or work or play football ! I stoped enjoying life it's normal fight it mental because when it begain it will never stop 😔 i wish i can help you but i thank god that i am not alone ! Don't let it break you 🤗 it begain with me when I was at 6 y ! It will never kill you but don't miss life because of it i know it's hard but till now that is the only solution fight it mentaly
Does it flare up more with stressful situations?
I also know what you are feeling. The electrical current runs from neck down spine to feet. Numbness occurs mostly on the two outer extremities of hands and feet.
If I sleep on my left side I awaken with my right arm asleep, and vice-versa.
Right now, these symptoms are generated from pinched nerves.
A pinched nerve in my neck, responsible for the arms, and a pinched nerve in back responsible for my legs and feet.
I had one back operation that alleviated the pinched sciatica. The electrical symptoms developed after the first back surgery.
Initiated from a car accident that moved me left to right twice and drew me to a sudden stop causing my head and neck to be tossed forward and straight back. More surgery expected.
I experience these and other symptoms and I have ms and fibromyalgia.
Me i had those for over 20 y and i dont know their cause my doctor didn't find anything wrong 😐 and i am living with it 😐 does anyone know what should i do ?
I think I might have this idk though. Like I'm just chilling and then I feel a weird surge that doesn't hurt but it's really unbareable. I usually feel hot when it happens and I can usually stop it by blowing the fan on myself. I noticed it comes when I get nervous.
It goes throughout my whole body
I get this too. I’m 48 , it started about 2/3 yrs ago! I do have fibromyalgia, not severe right now. I have a feeling that the surges, for me, are hormonal, I’m on the cusp of peri menopause. The doctors aren’t very useful for these surges or fibromyalgia advice. I don’t take any medication at all. I do loads of aerobics and yoga, red light therapy nearly everyday and get out in the sun as much as possible too.
These surges in my body though, I’ve literally learnt to “ ride” them, it takes practice but I’m getting there.
Did someone found any solution ????
I don't have Raynaud's or Scleroderma but I do get these electric surges through my body. Sometimes it feels like if it gets any stronger it might give me a stroke or something. I did a weekend course called TRE...Trauma Release Exercises and I find that if I do the exercises on a regular basis that the surges do calm down considerably. TRE kind of lets your body release tension via gentle tremors. There are lots of videos on YouTube and lots of practitioners all over the world who can teach you hw to do it.
I have this problem since 6 years. now I'am 19 and i get used to it, also I can control this electricity, for example, I could redirect this electricity to any part of my body, usually I feel by this electricity, when I under the Sun rays or when I stressed. putting your foot in the desert sands will decrease the electricity in your body.
I shake uncontrollably when I get stressed or upset or when I have a thought I don’t want to and my head will jerk and my chest as well, my arms and legs might move and I can’t seem to stop them. Does anyone else suffer this too? I guess it’s like a seizure? But I’d say it’s more related to the “electrical” and “alive” feeling that my nerves have every moment of every day. Can anyone relate? It’s turning into more of a problem and is making me cry, I don’t want to go to get help from a doctor because they honestly don’t even seem to want to help to diagnose me and will probably only put me on some type of pill that I don’t feel will help?
What you describe sounds like non-epileptic attack disorder (NEAD) a type of functional neurological disorder, there is good advice on this website.
And more here.
Glad to have helped, depending on where you live (not every area has them), you may be able to get your GP to refer you to a Neuropsychiatry team who can help you. If not you may find seeing a Psychologist, therapist or even a counsellor helpful to develop strategies to get you more control over your stress.
There's also this self help book which has the basic principles.
Best of luck. in my experience of NEAD most people can make a big difference to their symptoms and quality of life with a bit of hard work.
Happy New Year!
Great to see this thread. Unfortunately, I still haven’t seen anything with the same symptoms as mine. Here goes -
A couple of months ago, I was getting shocked everywhere outside of my house. That didn’t really bother me. It was just annoying. What has become bothersome is - now that the shocks have stoppped, I feel static cling everywhere in my house. I’ve done everything. Humidifier, softener, laundry sheets, touching metal, light poles, light switches. I’m this day and age, I’ve tried everything that I’ve found on the internet and nothing works. Here’s more details for you to hopefully understand.
No more shocks. I get static cling whenever I’m near the kit hen counter, glass dining table and feel it most when I’m near the HVAC unit in my condo. I can deal with static cling but there are times when it’s stronger and I feel electricity running through my body. When I take off my socks, it gets a little better. When I take off all my clothes, I’m okay. The feeling goes away. When I sit down on the couch, I’m good. When I lay in bed, nothing. But when I stand around the kitchen counter and sit on the dining table with clothes on, my clothes start sticking to me. My hair starts raising.
I’ve used pins in my clothes and all else I’ve named above. This works for a few seconds and once it settles on my body, I get that feeling again unless I’m sitting down or laying down in my bed. Only thing that works is when I stand with no clothes. There are times when I’ll waive my arms and I can feel electricity hitting my arms. With no clothes, it goes away. It also goes away briefly when I rub a solid piece of metal all over me. I’m 40. Healthy. Knock on wood but I don’t remember the last time I had a flu. I work out a few times a week. I eat right. Sleep right. Has anyone else had something similar?
Please let me know. Thank you.
Ps. I hope I didn’t come across as insensitive to others. This has been going on for weeks and I figured why not give this thread a try.
I also forgot to mention that my girlfriend doesn’t get any of these symptoms living in the same house and daily environment. Thanks again.
It happens because swelling caused by inflammation presses on the nerves
I interested in your post because if a medical doctor has told you that, it may answer a mystery for me and relieve my concern that there may be some diagnosis other than those I have. I have numerous back problems that are so bad that multiple doctors have said there is no treatment, such as different medication, surgery, physical and behavioral therapy, other than opiate and Gabapentin meds. The symptom I have that they say they have never heard of is simply that I experience a sudden electrical spasm that is fairly painful that starts in different places in my torso, sometimes belly or chest or shoulder, and then proceeds down to my legs and feet, then hits my arms and hands. It does not go down my back. It lasts about two minutes or less. It often leaves some of my toes painful. By the time it reaches my hands, it is weaker. Sometimes it doesn't occur for days but today it's happened five times, waking me from sleep twice. I also have Afib, COPD, chronic bursitis, and am 73. Your post gives me some hope that this is just another symptom of my back and does not presage another serious diagnosis. Can you please tell me who or what caused you to opine that conclusion. Thank you.

No, a doctor hasn't told me that.
I am so glad I found this I have had these for years. None of my doctors have been able to tell me why. I see many of them, including a neurologist and neurosurgeon regularly. I have had a craniotomy to remove a tumor from the third ventricle of my brain that was blocking the flow of the csf fluid through my brain. I now create too much csf fluid and have to have a drain to remove the excess from my spinal canal, as well as lumbar punctures to remove it outside of my body. I gave up trying to figure out why and attributed it to my conditions. I have basically been told that it is a side effect from medication, stress, or lack of sleep. I have great doctors, I just feel this issue has been pushed aside. This thread has validated my feelings that there is something, even if it isn’t a big medical problem, it is more than just something to be dismissed so easily. Thank you all for sharing your stories.
I have the same feeling but do not have either sclerodurma or Raynauds, although doctors have tentatively said I have some sort of autoimmune disease. So what I'm experiencing is accompanied by hair like fibers that pierce my skin. It started a few months ago first without the shock then the shocks would happen sporadically and now I feel like a waking electric current for hours. At first, due to the fibers I thought I had a parasite. Then I began to see fuzz that would shock me if I touched it. Everywhere I went I'd leave hairs or fibers or particles on the furniture. It's on my close running along the seams, like a current. When examining the fibers under the microscope I see little bright specks like glitter up and down the fiber. I also hear humming on my ears and feel vibrations on my chest and have a chronic cough that produces think mucus speckled with black particles. I see what I thought was gas emittjng from the hairs. Oh and I forgot to mention my actual. It feels alive. Like static electricity is running through it constantly. It's gotten so bad today that I feel light headed and tired. My chest is tight and my muscles feel like Im clenching them though I'm not. I have Googled til I thought my head would explode. This symptom fit that disease or that one looked like that parasite. My family thinks I'm nuts and that I'm have drug induced hallucinations. My ex convinced a court and he wa able to get custody of my son despite passing multiple drug tests. But this morning I think I finally found an answer and it might be the same for some of you, especially those with compromised immune systems. Electric bacteria. They are bacteria that feed on electrons. There are electrons created in every movement that causes friction and they are everywhere. Certain types of these bacteria create webs to funnel the electrons between themselves, creating an electric current, feeding themselves in definitely. The webbing is like fungi, sticky and fuzz like and can wrap itself around anything preferring long string like things like hair or thread. Electric chords are it's favorite. They glow under a microscope due to electricity pulsing through them and they've been researching them, harvesting from sediment in the ocean and studying them in labs very close to where I live in California. I just found the article that convinced me that I've been infected w by this bacteria. I have no clue if there's ever been a diagnosis of someone with this kind of bacteria or if it's possible. A I know is I feel like it's getting worse. How long would a person be able to sustain their heart rythym, respiration and other functions that require specific electric current to function properly, while an electric current is continuously running over the surface of the skin? It took months to feel like it has created a web that is covering a significant amount of my skin but has tripled in the soled and sensation after sustaining a deep cut to my arm when I accidentally put my hand through a glass window on an old door. Now it feels like I'm leaking something out of every pore. I used to think it was gas but now I think it's electric current emitted by the vibrations the bacteria cause. The only ways I've ever felt like I've weakened it or at least the effects were with an antimicrobial spray I bought for my cut and when I took antibiotics. I didn't take the mess regularly because I kept misplacing them and I have completely lost the spray. I'm terrified. I have gone to Dr too many times with this and have lost my child due to what social workers call a psycho is caused my drugs or mental illness. They explain away the sores that look like burns and hairs that move or won't burn as self inflicted or imagined. I'm not sure what to do now. I am considering contacting the scientists mentioned in the article I found. Other than that I'm at a loss. I just know I'm not crazy and it's not hallucinations! This is a real thing and I'm afraid it's going to kill me before anyone believes me!
Hi. I'm really sorry about your son. Could be morgellons disease. I also studied this down a microscope. Looked scary. Also looked "alive". You are not mad. I believe you, absolutely.
The sores and fibres coming from the skin, and all around the home are first. Check your hairdryer, if this stuff is in your home the vent at the back that draws air through will be filled with a mass of "grey" fibres. "electric shock" pains followed. Completely disabling.
You will be almost driven mad with symptoms that will be systematic (you will notice the pattern, but not be able to show anyone). You will be accused by people, get shunned and may even fit the category of targeted individual, (being repeatedly accused of madness and being forcibly separated from family are some criteria) when you read up about it. Thousands of other people also meet all these criteria, but don't waste time trying to convince people. You can't. They won't believe you until it also happens to them (it may). Focus ONLY on the symptoms. eg. I have "sharp, electric like pains here / there etc". Concentrate on pain management. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself as if you tell people, even though you are right, you will be labelled delusional. Try to get an official diagnosis for your pain. MS or Fibromyalgia or whatever pain condition the doctor diagnoses you with when you explain just your pain symptoms. Then you can explain to Social Services that you have a diagnosis and a specific treatment to work towards regaining your health and stability and getting access and visitation with your son. Maybe get an air purifier with a filter or dehumidifyer with a filter, pulls the fibres from the air, can keep it less but never eliminates it. The cause is so multi-faceted and may even have demonic / intelligent origin. Use whatever time you have in health to tidy up and clean so you can provide a clean environment for visits from professionals to assess your surroundings in the event you are able to invite your son for a visit. I was a midwife once and I think this advice could help you. Never criticise your ex to your son or the services instead try to find upbuilding ways to praise his efforts in caring for your son. Seek to work with him.
You could try prayer to God through Jesus Christ His Son, about your loved and removed son.
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. Psalm 107:6
I hope you can find a way to manage your symptoms and lose the false delusional diagnosis. It may be a difficult process, but you can do it. All my love to you and hope for a good future that includes your son.
I have these electric shocks what can It be