Hi, has anyone with scleroderma had surgery for hiatus hernia? I'm suffering from bad reflux, and wondering about alternatives to lifetime use of PPIs. I have done all the food and lifestyle changes. I have a HH as well as scleroderma. Not sure whether it's the HH that makes it worse. Or if the scleroderma is responsible, which maybe makes surgery not an option? Thanks so much for any advice.
Surgery for reflux: Hi, has anyone with... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Surgery for reflux

Hi, I have had surgery for a hiatus hernia, and i also have scleroderma. I had the sugery about 18 months ago. I have bad reflux and also poor swallowing, and the surgeon wasnt sure whether to do it or not, as it can make swallowing more difficult. I had to have liquids only for the first 3 weeks, then introduce solids gardually. I can still only eat very small amounts of food, and have to have food with plenty of sauce to make it easier to swallow. I still cant eat bread or cakes, or food with that consistency and the consultant says i probably wont ever be able to eat them. My reflux was totally gone after surgery, but now I am having to take omniprazole again. Hope this helps
Thanks so much for your reply. Really useful. Sorry to hear you’re back on the ppis. But hope the reflux is a bit better after surgery than before. This condition is so awful. Just wish someone would come up with a solution for the gastro issues. Thanks again for getting back to me, and all the best.
I think if i had to, I would do it again, despite the swallowing issues, as before i was taking double the maximum dose of ppi's (consultants reccomendation) with not much effect. I did have a 24 hour acid study (which i cant remember the name of!) where they put a tube into your stomach attached to a machine. I also had motility studies, and whilst i had quite poor motility, in the end the 2 consultants (Rheumi and gastro) decided that it would be beneficial to have. I do have issues with food getting stuck, but have learnt to taylor what i eat. I think its a case of weighing up the pros and cons!
Thanks so much. Good to hear it was worth the surgery. It's really so hard to know the best thing to do in these situations, isn't it, as everyone's condition is so different, and the consultants can never say for sure what the outcome will be. But it definitely sounds like it was a good thing to do in your case. Thanks again for sharing with me. I really appreciate it.
Hi, I was advised against surgery due to motility issues. If they had fixed the hernia then it would have meant real issues with swallowing so I was advised not to have surgery and to stick with ppi treatment. It really is case specific as some people it works fine and others bit can either create issues or not remove the need for ppi treatment fully.
Hi, thanks so much for replying. Yeah, I thought it might be the case that it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn’t. I’ll talk to the consultant when I see her in the new year. But looks like continuing ppis are the only route at the moment. Thanks again and all best wishes to you.
Hi,I have hiatus hernia, poor motility and severe reflux issues.
I too was advised against surgery due to my motility as it could affect swallowing.
Like previous posts everyone’s condition is different , good for some and not for others.
I take highest dose of ppi’s, along with famotidine.
Recently I was prescribed domperidone which helps with stomach emptying and have found it a great help, not sure if it’s something that would help you.
It’s so awful and affects so many of us with scleroderma. I think we’ve all gone though the food and lifestyle changes looking for answers.
Take care and wishing you all the very best.
Thanks so much for your message. Really appreciate the support and information. I’ll have a chat to the consultant in January. Really useful to be able to take information about how other people deal with the issues, with me. It’s such a frustrating condition, isn’t it, especially as others can’t see what’s going on inside with the gastro issues, and just think you’re okay. I keep scouring the net for alternative things to try, but never come up with much. Hopefully someone will find a solution some day. Take care and thanks again for your help.