Need advice for going under general a... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Need advice for going under general anesthesia

Hjr4 profile image
8 Replies

I am going to have major shoulder surgery and I have systemic scleroderma, MS, Shojgrens, raynards. My mouth is very tight, doesn't open wide, I'm petite so never did have wide mouth opening before scleroderma. I also have 4 crowns on my front top teeth, one has fallen out before from not being held in very securely because the pin holding it in is too short. Concerned my crowns will get knocked out when they put metal device in mouth to get tube in. And my mouth won't open wide enough for them to do this.

My hands fingers turn purple/blue even if temperature varies a hair, even in summer, not in a/c. So my concern is operating room are always freezing. Not sure I can be blanketed. My fingers won't read a pulseox reader actually if no blood getting to fingers. How have other people handled the cold?

My MS already gives me nerve and tingling pain so getting a nerve block makes me concerned it might not subside or trigger more nerve pain somewhere else.

Sorry for such a long post, I would love to get anyone's advice, thoughts on how you did with a surgery if you had any of these issues, what you asked from your anesthesiologist, if you got a neck nerve block, and any other info you can offer. Thanks everyone.

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Hjr4 profile image
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8 Replies
Duttie profile image

Don't worry, you will have chance to talk to the anaethetist before the op. Voice your concerns at your prep appointment. I have had major surgery twice, with Sclero and Sjorgens and had no problem with my small mouth, I am also petite. I did voice concern about the temperature and they put a sort of air blanket over me into which hot air was blown. Best of luck.

Hjr4 profile image
Hjr4 in reply to Duttie

Thanks. I will ask about that blanket.

Jensue profile image

Just 4 weeks ago I underwent major surgery - it actually took 4 hours in theatre for serious problem to my neck. I have severe Raynaud's & SSc along with Sojgrens & 4 crowns & one veneer. I told the anaethetist and he said they would make sure I stayed warm etc. I had no problem at all. Took my tablets for Raynaud's before & that also helped.

bridget-martin5 profile image

I have recently had surgery too. Tell the aneathatist your concerns when they talk to you befote the operation. They also have problems getting the canula in as my veins collapse, but gave me some gas to knock me out then did it! In recovery i also had a hot air filled blanket which was lovely. They will look after you. Good luck ! X

GGhere profile image

Hello Hjr4.

I've had major surgery several times over the years. I too have all the conditions you mention. Sjogren's, Raynaud's, Systemic Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. Last summer I had to have more surgery and was absolutely dreading it. But everything was fine - there are new systems in place now - more efficient, attentive to patient concerns, all my fears were quickly dispelled. The anaesthetist came for a chat before the op and I was invited to mention anything that worried me. When I was coming round there were nurses present. It was all very reassuring and very much a different experience from those I'd had years ago. Please don't worry too much - you'll be able to talk about your worries to the medical staff who attend you. Best of luck - I'm sure you'll be fine. I think the anticipation is much much worse than the actual doing because one worries about things going wrong.

Traceydc profile image

Hi. I have Scleroderma & Raynauds, SPMS & RA. I have had 3 operations in the last 18 months. I have had no problem with the anesthetic or the tube down my throat, even though I have throat narrowing & scarring on the soft tissue. The team will be fully aware of your health issues & will ensure you are safe & can have the procedure with no problems. Good luck & try not to worry, as you will know, MS loves stress & will go out of it's way to make life hell! Take care

Hjr4 profile image

Thank you everyone who replied. This is such a great group of people!

Rp321 profile image

I had an operation recently and I pre warned the anathetist (as others have mentioned) about my sever raynauds and my ability to turn blue at the slightest temperature change. As others have said about the blow up blanket it is the most amazing thing I want one for home! I woke up all snuggled and warm and vividly remember telling the recovery nurses that I want to take the blanket heat thingy to the ward with me.

I too struggle with veins disappearing and my tip that others have yet to mention is to ask if it's possible to put the cannula in on the ward before you go down because as you say the operating theatres are freezing!

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