Can anyone tell me if they have 'patches' of thickening skin. I have Sys. sclerosis which has mainly damaged my lungs but am having some small patches of thickening skin on my left hand so is this down to the scleroderma?
Thickening patches of skin: Can anyone... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Thickening patches of skin
Hello Marilyn.
You don’t say where exactly on your left hand the skin thickening is. I have the skin thickening on both hands but predominantly on my fingers where it is very tight. I was diagnosed in 1996 with scleroderma but this progressed to limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis in 2010 when I lost my colon and large intestine.
From my own symptoms I would think yours are the same, but it is always worth speaking to your consultant or specialist nurse about it.
Take care. Kim x
Good morning, I have a similar situation to you. Upon original diagnosis (2.5 years ago) the skin on my hands was thick, joints were sore all over, I couldn’t bend my fingers and had no joint strength (amongst other issues) the reason for telling you this is that after treatment; 12 months of cyclophosphamide, Prednisolone steroids these symptoms reversed and are now managed pretty well with MMF. There is treatment available and so if this is bad and upsetting you then your rheumatologist should have options to help you xxx good luck and take care
Thanks Mlw for reply...unfortunately, I was taken off steroids as they were damaging my internal organs and have been in hospital at the start of my illness on cyclophosphamide infusions then onto mycophenalate until it stopped working on stopping lung damage and put onto nintenadib [ofev] now diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I just get depressed with being diagnosed with this that and the other every time I go to hospital for my rheumatology appointments, which are not on the cards just now. I now am being passed onto a new doctor for connective tissue just wonder what else will be new for me when I do get my hospital appointment. But I do thank you for taking the time to reply and do hope that you continue to do well on your treatments. Best wishes! xxxx