Hi Everyone the pain in my back and neck have gotten much worse the past few days, even my forehead and cheek bones hurt. I wonder if the nitro bid ointment I put on my finger once a day could be the cause. Aceyomiophen helps but I don't like to over do. Please tell me what you think. Thank you.
Pain : Hi Everyone the pain in my back... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Hi, I get these pains lots of times, even just walking. The cheek pain could be if like me, it was stones in the saliva glands that run from your ears down to the jaws. I had a test at the hospital to prove the pain. If it gets unbearable i was given a special antibiotic with acid in it. and drink a lot of citric drinks to break them down
Thank you kingfisherblue2009, I think it is from nitrobid cream. I am cutting back and just using a very tiny drop or none when it is warm outside. How are you feeling?
I am feeling rough at the moment. Not with the face pain but the lack of energy and fatique. The pains everywhere. God if we could have a day pain free like some people. I walk and struggle everyday. I know it is getting worse. It is just you see other older than yourself walking with no problem and there is me stopping and starting. It is a cruel illness. take care xxx
I understand the pain. Mypain is always worse with rain. I think vitamins help, plus rest, acetaminophen, heat or ice, stretching exercises, half hour walk,etc. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others and take care of yourself. Read a good book, nap when you are tired. Email friends, Connect with those who need reaching out. I am here as your new friend.God bless you.