Does anyone know if you can take nefopam with immune suppressing drugs, I take mycophenalate and hydroxycloriquine and for pain relief iv got gabapentin and naproxen, I need something stronger so was wondering about nefopam
Information : Does anyone know if you... - Scleroderma & Ray...
The best person to ask would be your pharmacist
Never, I would never have guessed ha ha, thanks
Alternatively you could just ask a load of unqualified strangers on the internet. ha ha.
I only asked incase there was someone on here taking the same medication ad me.
Now that the wknd is over, yes over rang my pharmacist and yes there is no interaction.
However I'm starting a course of Rituximab, by infusion on a day ward, so il have to wait and see if this helps.
I have, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and sjorgen syndrome, Raynauds, and mixed connective tissue disease which consists of (lupus, scleroderma, and myositis) so any tips for pain relief or suggestions regarding prescription drugs that may help, I would be grateful
Hi Amelda
I'm on immune suppressant cyclosporine ..I have lupus which affects my skin mainly..pain relief for me consists of paracetamol n tramadol when needed..I was taking ibuprofen but they told me I shouldn't take it on my particular immune suppressant. I only take the tramadol when it's really needed because they can be addictive..but they do give me respite when I'm flaring..they don't work for everyone though as they can be a bit 'trippy' ..I'm ok with that though 😃xx
Thankyou,iv tried tramadol and it doesn't suit me, I did have liquid morphine for a while, they gave it to me in hospital and on discharge also steroids which I felt great on, but I stopped the morphine as I felt good.
Now I can't get anything other than, codine phosphate which does nothing, tramadol and paracetomol, there are lots of other appropriate drugs, but it's cost at the end of the day. I see my gp in the morning, fingers crossed
Ok...good luck!!! Xx