HI, Please can anyone help me with the constant itching day and night. My scleroderma is pretty bad at the moment but it is the itching I cannot stand. Thank you so much to any answers . x
Itch so bad it feels like wasp ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Itch so bad it feels like wasp stings.

Sounds like you may have eczema so find a dermatologist to diagnose what you have.
This doesn't mean that you don't have scleroderma.
I used to have terrible itching and then discovered Doublebase gel. I get it on prescription. It was the only thing that would help. Maybe you could try that.
Hi Debbie, lots of thick, cold (keep it in the fridge) moisturiser! There are lots of emollients that your GP can prescribe, but sometimes just cheap as chips Aqueous cream helps some people. I know it won't help for me to say it but you must resist the urge to scratch because it releases chemicals that make the itching worse, and you are likely to break and irritate the skin further, which will make the itching even worse. I would see if you can use shower and bath products that are for very sensitive skin and avoid really hot showers and baths because they will make it worse by opening up the blood vessels. Just like being in too warm an atmosphere can make it worse.
The itching might be an indication that your skin is having an inflammatory phase, and so I would also tell your Rheumatologist/specialist nurse, or GP as it might be worth just getting your bloods checked. If your skin is the main symptom then a Dermatologist might be a good idea too.
Hope that helps
All my best
Lucy xxx
I have this constant itching sounds like you. Saw my dermatologist as it was in my head as well because the drs didn’t know what it was. Had to go private but he examined me thoroughly and said it’s excema and it was bad. He prescribed Dermovate Ointment for my body and dermovate lotion for my head. It’s a lot better but still not right. He said I have developed an allergy to shampoos and soaps.
I heard of one lady who literally bathes in paraffin and it helped her.
Are you on Hydroxychloroquine? The horrible itching can be a side effect of this medication.
Yes my Scleroderma exactly the same, I have made my skin bleed with scratching, my doctor is trying me with various tablets at the moment, so far no luck.
thank you. I seem to make small round holes in my skin that don't like healing up but just keep itching. Putting ice on them seems to help a little. good luck. x
I had the same hurrendous itching as my Scleraderma accelerated. I was refered to the Dermatolgy dept. & ended up with various types of leg & arm bandaging. Clay bandaging & then ending up with Zipzoc''s which are impregnated Dressing's with zinc. As my areas were completely bandaged I couldn't damage them with more iching. It helped immensely although I looked like a mummy!!! After that I used various different ointments & found Cetraban ointment to be the best for me. I was referred through my Rheumatologist who I was seeing on a weekly basis at that stage. Keep pushing to get as much help as possible as the itching can be unbearable.
Wishing you all the luck. Xx
Check your medication, that's a classic symptom of you liver struggling to cope. Good luck.
Hi Debbie
Just to drop you a quick line reference your itching.
I take an anti histamine daily and use a garnier repair and moisturise moisturiser.
It's very cheap but works for me. And no need to order from the docs.
A large bottle lasts for ages and can be used mostly everywhere.
Hope you get some relief
Dee-fellow sufferer of scleroderma
It was the “itching” that was so prevalent at the beginning of my symptoms before diagnosis. When I tried to explain it to doctors, I told them it wasn’t really itching but it was the closest sensation that I could compare to it. It felt more like my nerve endings were out of whack, haywire. For me, I noticed it was more intense when I ate recipes containing garlic. Once blood work suggested autoimmune activity, I wondered if the garlic factor, known to be consumed to boost just that, was causing the overdrive effect. I never considered it as “itching”. I do still wonder if we can control our issues from taking care of our guts, stomachs, veins, fingernails, and diets by monitoring our intake of MRI contrast, gel nail polish drying light system, glucose (sugar) and cholesterol. Everyone is different. I can’t imagine having this as a young person. Stay at the top of best and good health to all!
They do say that a lot of problems can stem from the guts so you could have hit the nail on the head there!
Hi Debbie, I suggest you try taking bendryl (can be bought online or at the store). It is an allergy medication with antihistamines which gets into your bloodstream and resolve the itching from internally. I only get the itching occasionally and this works really well . The only problem is it can make you pretty drowsy. You should really give it a try, I think you will find some relief to your itching.
Lena (USA)
Get blood work done. I had that and scratched in my sleep and got inflamed. Turned out I also have liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis which was the cause of the itching. Got meds and am doing fine. Also make sure I am completely dry after showering or the itching starts. I use a blow dryer. Then I have to cool my skin with a desk fan or open window . Sweating makes me itchy also so some talc can help.