Hi Everyone,
This is my first post, and I'm writing from Canada. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or information that could help me. At the beginning of December I was tested for autoimmune diseases and came back with positive Ana (speckled pattern) and Scl-70. I was only screened because I'm tired all the time (which has probably been ongoing for the past 8 years) and I had low back pain. I have no skin involvement, no Reynaud's, and I swollen joints. I'm 36. I have had GERD for the past month and have been on PPI's which has helped a lot. I've also found that I have developed an alcohol intolerance.
I was wondering if these were anyone else's initial symptoms? I have felt worse since I got the blood tests back, but I feel like that might be my extreme anxiety.
Also, I have my first Rhuem consult next week where they will try to figure out a diagnosis and check my other symptoms. I'm wondering if anyone could help me out with what to expect. I'm a bit nervous and scared for it.
Thank you. I'm so glad this community exists, this has been a very scary time for me.