My fingers are peeling constantly. I tought it was detergent, stopped cleaning so much(like cleanliness:)maybe sudafed(stopped taking that) its been a month, does anyone know how long it takes to heal or is this just Raynauds getting worse? I put on lotion and massage and am taking fish oil albeit maybe not enough(1,000 mg)
fingertips peeling: My fingers are... - Scleroderma & Ray...
fingertips peeling

It sounds like its progressing Mine start off that way and develop into ulcers. I find that if I load the lotion on (I really like Eucerin in the jar)) and keep the ulcer as dry as possible it helps. Best wishes!
It seems to me that you need to have your Raynaud's treated as soon as possible.
I don't get ulcers. if they crack and split they heal in about two days. I've had Raynauds for 30 years but this winter it is worse
i have had the same problem this winter. Peeling fingers, hard skin, cracking deeply and bleeding.
Two amazingly helpful remedies are the application of Snowfire Ointment over the affected areas generally and clear nail varnish over the cracks. Try it!
"Snowfire Ointment" is the trade name of an emollient ointment available from pharmacies in the UK. I bought mine on line so just google it. It is not expensive and it really works like magic!
Use clear nail varnish to seal deep cracks in the skin, not all over...just on the cracks. It stings a little bit on application but that soon goes and the wound feels better and starts to mend. It does work! I found this out from an article in the Daily Telegraph. It seemed haerd to believe but I tried it and the effect was great. The article also recommended super glue but I've not tried that yet.
Hi there - Another cream I have found helpful is Flexitol - Cuticle & Nail Cream - for Hang Nails & split fingers - google it ...again not expensive & it works -
Do take Care OK AliW
thanks again everyone for your responses. I don't really have cracks, its so leathery and dry it's almost peely so I peel it. Mostly the top part of my fingers and only the index basically. At night they do feel swollen but i think thats just water retention as they are 't that way during the day. I put on strong creams but i almost think i need a leather cream to penetrate and i don't like oily feeling on my hands. Oh well..i'm going to look up flexitol and snowfire..I will never know if they can help if I don't try!
I was recommended to use Flexitol heel balm on my fingers, which is very good and does work. It does have a strong smell, but I use at night and wear some cotton gloves. With regard to the splits in your fingers, try some Germoline 'New Skin' which you can buy from Boots (UK). Its very much like a clear nail varnish which you paint over the split and it seals over. It does sting, but within a couple of minutes the pain is gone. It does give the skin a chance to heal and prevent it from continually splitting and being sore.