guy's are u sure that this is raynaud's? ๐remember when i said my symptoms are changing daily??! i don't get cold anymore in fact i get sweaty and very very hot ! and never high fever ! even none of my medications are working my heart is racing more and more everyday and blood pressure is between 153/103 with 95 heart rate and 15e/103 with 121 heart rate ... so any help here ?
does this what raynaud's is like? - Scleroderma & Ray...
does this what raynaud's is like?

Are you seeing a specialist? Such as a rhuematologist?
i can't get all the help i need here it's very expensive ! i did some test like blood urine and stool nothing show up ...only cloudy urine ... i had x ray for cervical lordosis and it showed it was straight... and the eye doctor didn't explain well said something like sensitive or something like that i need to put tears 4 times a day! and after that i just stoped doing any tests and watching daily weird symptoms ! hahahaha ! not being able to do a thing about it
It really doesn't sound like Raynards at all. I'm not sure what it could be but you don't get your symptoms from raynards. Sorry. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of this x
Does not seem like Raynaud at all.
That's not raynauds, you would know if you had it.
If you had raynauds you would stay cold!
what is that ? can i show u some more pictures ? would u recognise it?
What u described going on with yourself,hot,provided sweating etc. I was just DX"d but also have purple toes all the time( thought it was Raynaud's all along) until the hot areas started and just unbelievably (just got out of shower look) sweating.
Not feeling well,My Dr immediately like in a hot second sent me to a Heart/ Vascular specialist, they took me right in!.
To find out they believe its Vasculitis? Which is right there with Rare diseases, and right there that can come about with Lupus and Scleraderma..I have Lupus and overlapping Scleraderma/Polymyocitis...
Honestly I don't know how much more I can take!
I'm still trying to deal w this completely alone! No help no support system..I THANK GOD FOR THIS SITE AND THE PPL ON IT!!!
So I would look it up on a good site like mayo or web MD or here and see if it sounds like you.
After the specialist told me this I looked it up and about fell over because I've had so many of the symptoms for almost 2 years now and nobody listened to me.
I now have to go get 2 Heart test done and an entire whole body sonogram on all veins.I am very upset and depressed because this is something that should have been looked into right away!! Now its Servere because like others have gone through nobody listened to me!! Ttys,Ali๐ข๐๐ฐ
when i go into the hot shower .... i feel like fainting almost! ... painnnn in stomach crawling upward to my neck !!!! hot and cold flashes!!! no one listen to me all they say it might be your anxiety
i do get bruises out of no where all the time but all my tests are clear !!!! i was wondering ... a clinic once made an ultrasound of my heart! but said all clear !
the thing that u have ... should be detected from an ultrasound?? one more thing do u have whatsapp or fb ? i need to show u some pictures i want to know if it looks like your problem
I have similar symptoms recently diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension due to dysautonomia caused by damage to my nervous system. I faint in the shower or dizzy on standing. Temperature changes as well. I had a tilt table test to diagnose this but first I had to have echo of my heart and endocrinologist checked me for an adenoma as they cause similar symptoms. I hope you get to the bottom of it x
Hi Maro๐ธ๐ฆ๐ฟ๐ธ๐ฆ๐ฟ
Your blood pressure is way too high. Your heart rate is too high too. If you have high blood pressure your heart will have to work harder to pump your blood around your body. If your cholesterol is too high it can lead to heart disease over time.
If you can purchase a blood pressure monitor take your blood pressure each morning after emptying your bladder. Keep a written record of the readings as well as readings when you arenโt feeling well too...always note symptoms too. This is tangible proof for any doctors appt you will have in the future. I hope this was helpful sweetie. ๐ค๐ค๐
Luv ya Granny ๐๐