Hi lol I have been having lots of hot sweats is this normal ? and is there anything I can take for it.
Scleroderma hot sweats: Hi lol I have... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Scleroderma hot sweats

I get very hot when I get stressed and then have trouble cooling down but I wouldn't say it was hot sweats.
Sorry I can't be of any more help.
I have had scleroderma for 10 years and a year ago started with hot flashes. Spoke to my gp and they advised me it could be my medication for scleroderma which at the time was mycophenolate mofetil. On speaking with my consultant she advised it wasn't related to my scleroderma. I had blood tests and turned out I am going through the early menopause. I am 42 years old. The hot flashes have become worse over the last 6 months but that is due to a change in treatment as I have been having cyclophosphamide infusions as my scleroderma is not stable. Hope this information helps.
Hi Sandie, I guess the most important question is...Is this normal for you? And if it is not then I would speak to my Consultant/Specialist Nurse/GP about the situation. Scleroderma is not particularly associated with hot sweats. Does it happen at particular times? In particular situations? Are your hormone levels normal?...you don't say your age but obviously hormone levels can change over the course of the lifetime. Any treatment would have to be linked to cause. Keep some little cool packs with you. Drink iced water and all the other standard information about keeping cool will apply.
Please don't suffer. Go and get it checked out.
All my best
Lucy x
Wow funny you should say that so have I. Mostly in the morning and during the night.. Like going back to the menopausal years. Sorry I have no ideas as far as help goes.
Oh dear! Yes, I get hot flashes and sweats which are most uncomfy.....but, have gone through the menopause many years ago....so, not the menopause with me then! Also, the bouts of breathlessness is followed by these hot sweats......or just sitting on the sofa and boomf! hot sweats! Also, anyone else having painful joints...can hardly walk now as too painful on my swollen ankles and knees ...not to mention my hips! Probably my age....but....just wondered if anyone younger than myself is having same problems. x
Hi Marilynmcl. Thanks so much for replying back to me .Yes hot flashes and my breathing has been pretty bad as I am going for a Echocardiogram tomorrow so will see what happens there yes have sore knee caps hands and wrists .You don't say what age you are am 59 in a couple of weeks x
am .....oh no.....do I have to say?......I remember the Queen's coronation when I was wee.....hint, och ....am hitting 68......grrrrrrrr.
Good wishes for the ecg tomorrow pet.....forgot to say...also swollen fingers so have had no wedding ring etc. on for over three years now! Have to fight off all the single oldies who think I am free and single!!
forgot to say......mind and let us know how you get on! x
I have gone through the menopause but still get night sweats, these can be horrendous. I have limited systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) but nobody in the medical profession can tell me why I still get them. Doesn't help me sleeping even though the window is wide open and a fan going. I use a summer quilt (4.5 tog) all year round.
It is soooo annoying when the hot flushy sweats come....but even more annoying is the loss of breath on the slightest exertions...just getting off the couch sets me off....but, the slightest change in room temperature and I am freezing cold..even if it is 22 degrees on the thermostat for the central heating.....hubby gets so frustrated when I complain about being cold...he just says that 'it's not cold in here!'....don't think he gets it ...although I have tried to explain to him that maybe it is warm but I am not.
Hi Sandi. I feel cold a lot but as soon as I'm in bed I have severe sweats. I'm through "that stage" of my life so can't blame that!
I also have the odd hot sweats. Usually within half hour of getting up in the morning and through the night. I am 60 and would never have noticed menopause.
I have hot sweats during the nights too. Usually during the night (have to take a foot out of the blanket to cool down) and in the mornings when I wake up.My partner is a bit annoyed by my hot sweats since I like to sleep cold with the window open all night (which makes him cold in the night and morning). I'm 32 and definitely not going through the monopause yet.
A few times a year I get hot flashes during the day and this includes breathlessness. This is usually when I go for a fast walk or sometimes 1 hour after eating food. I feel dizzy, hot and shaky. Sometimes I have to lay down on the floor. I have not checked this out with my doctor yet but believe it that are GI symptoms since I feel very under sugared and the first thing I need to do is eat something sugary. Maybe I should mention at this point that I'm a healthy eater and do not have diabetes.
Sandie12 - what do you do before you feel those hot flushes? Maybe it is food related? Maybe it is your blood pressure making problems? It can happen that when you take medication which effects your blood pressure and you quickly stand up after sitting for a while that you might feel hot and dizzy...