I am wondering if anyone who has scleroderma has had issues with ventricular tachycardia and/or arrhythmia? I also wanted to know if you do/did, did immunosupressants help? or are you on beta blockers too? Thanks for chiming in.
Ventricular Tachycardia/Arrhythmia an... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Ventricular Tachycardia/Arrhythmia and Scleroderma - Treatment?

Hi Natasha, I don't have exactly the same issues that you are experiencing with your heart, but then I suspect we are all slightly different. I do sometimes get arrhythmia and ectopic beats (extra beats). I have borderline pulmonary hypertension. I am on Methotrexate which is an immunosuppressant. It is designed to calm down my immune system so the scleroderma is less active. Logically if the scleroderma is less active then if it is the cause of your heart problems then it may well help to keep things as they are or slow down the process. I have been stable for a number of years now. An immunosuppressant does not however help with the symptoms that you are experiencing with your heart so you may need the beta blockers for that. I don't take these but I know some people who do find them effective. I am afraid it is going to be a matter of listening to the best advice of your Consultant and developing an action plan that works best for you. I wish you all my best. Lucy
I had a racing heart round about the menopause but it was never officially diagnosed as arrhythmia or anything like that. It might have been something to do with the menopause, I don't know. I have had no trouble since. Then around 14 years later I was diagnosed with scleroderma. I know that methotrexate made me feel very unwell, so I came off that. Then I went on to azathioprine and got a rash, so I came off that. I am now on leflunomide and so far so good.