The med can make me constipated and at the same time the BMs seem to not be able to form and it comes out so soft and I have to (sorry for the detail) help it out with toilet paper (lots of it). I am suppose to have fiber to make it form but when I try to have the 4 spoons a say that the Dr wants me to take I just get very very gassy with lots of mucus. How am I suppose to concentrate on my job without worry about having embarrassing issues.I did try to increase the dosage of fiber really fast and had the 4 spoons with in 2 hours. I suppose I should try to break it up. Any ideas or reassurance would be nice.
I also do not eat gluten (because of autism ) and I suspect that I should not eat diary because I get a lot of the muc gas when I have icecream or a shake, etc. I do have nervous stomach and IBS issues.