I have really painful legs and protruding veins but no gp just says take pain killers. It wakes me in the night and they are getting worse. has anyone any advice. I take losartan 75mg for Reynaud's . would iloprost or Viagra help ??
has anyone else got varicose veins du... - Scleroderma & Ray...
has anyone else got varicose veins due to scleroderma

yes i too have veins poping all over legs bad, my ankle is turning blue with veins poping, i also notice veins poping alot in chest, my dr. says yheir is nothing they can do, its scleradoma. i also cant sleep much either from leg pain, very cronic, it bring me sometimes that i cry alot. dr. has put me on preisome 10mg. god it does help, but i am worried about side affects. i just dont know what to do. but it not much life when you have to suffer. this is a suffering desease. its hard to deal with it. so far all i hear from dr. is take pain meds, no cure for this. god bless us all. im praying for a cure. pray alot, god bless, belle
I have had varicose veins all my adult life. I have systemic sclerosis and had the veins stripped many years ago before anybody realised that it was sclero and now they call it vascular incompetence. It was actually a vascular specialist who diagnosed the sclero. What can happenand has done for me is that the incompetent clearing of wastes from around one's ankles causes Stasis Dermatitis and in my case that means itching and breaking down of the skin and ulcers. The ulcers are the worst, they take about a year each to heal and they are so painful. Years ago I was advised to wear support stockings every day while I am awake and moving around. Stockings start at compression 1 and I am wearing compression 3 now.
I too have scleroderma and varicose veins but I didn't realise that they could be connected (sorry) just thought I had got the same veins as my mum. I too get night cramps but my latest blood tests showed low magnesium levels so I've been taken a supplement. Cant say I've really noticed the difference.
I get leg and foot pain too (cramping bad). Someone told me to drink water when that happens and it does help! If you are dehydrated, apparently you can get leg cramps.
Is it safe to wear compression hosiery with a system aleady struggling to circulate blood through poor veins? I have bern saying for a long while my legs are looking lumpy but as is usual with this disease no one listened to what was important to me. Only now it is a real problem is anyone listening, I got given tubigrip and referred to vasclar consultant. I had my steroids reduced from 10 mg to 7.5 daily but I thought theywere more for my bones protection ( though I know they help develop red blood cells which helps with supply) wonder if iloprost eill help prevent any more damage
hi sweetie, i too have this , i too take pain killers. i have one leg turning blue i ankle. i have awful leg pain. i have scleadoma, a lot of valium, lumps all in muscles tendons, so painful. they say nothing they can do. they have me on new meds call kinnett, i been on it 3 months, i don't see any improvement. i suffer so much. pain meds help some, but i can't do much at all. thank god for a good hubby. hope you have some help. this is a painful decease. lov to talk god bless belle