I am getting pain in the colon, it feels tight and can hurt when passing a stool , cramp like pains? Is this the scleroderma? I have Limited Systemic Sclerosis (CREST)
Scleroderma affecting the colon? Does... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Scleroderma affecting the colon? Does anyone suffer with colon spasm due to this?

I have awful bowel problems diverticulitis and inflammation
Make an appt. to see Gastroenterologist. Even if it's not due to Scleroderma, it's something that should be checked out. Good Luck!
That's scaring me what do you think it might be? I always worry it might be something serious
too scared to go to Gastro. I had a abdo scan back in April & all was well.
It is silly to put off getting treatment because it might be serious. At the beginning it might not be, but if it is serious you will soon be in a bad way and then what???? Surely you want to have the best chance of beating something.
Nothing to be scared about I've had all sorts for ages they thought I had crohns. The gut has a lot of nerve endings (hence called the second brain) so pain there is always very all-consuming. Everyone here is right, you need to have a dr have a quick look - things you can do whilst you're waiting for your appointment:
Write a food/drink and symptom diary to look for patterns
Try fermented foods (eg sauerkraut - very cheap) to balance gut flora
If you spot a pattern in your diary try eliminating the suspected cause for a week
If you find no patterns try an elimination diet (dr can advise or you can read up)
Don't panic - gut issues are super common in everyone it could be completely unrelated but either way being more aware of your tummy and doing some research can help you feel more informed and look after yourself xx let us know how you get on
Thank you everyone for your replies I appreciate the time you have taken & your reassurance - I shall see if I can get a referral to the gastro consultant here. I doubt that will be fast as they are inundaterd with patients. I go to see my Royal Free consultant in October which might end up being sooner!
It seems to me that it is your digesting system that is affected by your scleroderma like with myself. Get advice from your rheumatlogist would be my suggestion.
Trhank you all for your suggestions I have been re refferred bck to the gastro consultant so we will see how ling that takes!!!! In the meantime ....:((((
I think you should get that checked out ASAP. I have systemic scleroderma. I had surgery to pull my colon up a week before Thanksgiving as it had become prolapsed. They thought everything was fine but I ended up having emergency surgery and almost died. My colon fell apart. They said the inner wall of my intestines are hardening. At least rule out the worst case scenario. Your body is telling you something. God Bless.
I have systemic scleroderma and recently went in for colon surgery for a prolapsed colon. My colon spit in half afterward and I nearly died. I have to wear a colostomy bag now. I think it would be a good idea to get yourself checked out as most all our organs can become hard and sclerotic.
Yes I do to the point feels like pushing bowels out