February is Raynaud’s Awareness Month in which we aim to highlight Raynaud’s and the work of the RSA by asking you to "Get your gloves on!". If you could tweet #getyourgloveson, put up a poster, organise a fundraising event or help in any way to highlight this campaign please contact the RSA on 01270 872776 or info@raynauds.org.uk.
February is Raynaud's Awareness Month - Scleroderma & Ray...
February is Raynaud's Awareness Month

Rather short notice to hear that it is Raynuad's Awareness Month when the month is nearly at an end!!
Just yesterday alone I made this condition aware to 9 people who had never heard of it before - one of whom has been experiencing symptoms and will be getting it checked out!! never too late to spread the message
By age 45 I was experiencing frequent episodes in all 8 fingers and all 8 toes, winter and summer. My digits went numb and completely white to the 2nd knuckle. Grocery shopping required wearing leather gloves and sitting through business meetings in air-conditioned hotel meeting rooms was miserable. But thanks be to God, I found something non-pharmaceutical and now have been asymptomatic for over 10 years now. Do not give up, my friends, keep looking: there is HOPE!!