Hello my name is Danny and I am conducting a study into the effect of different temperatures on the hands of people with Raynaud's phenomenon/disease, using infrared imaging. Some of you may have read the advertisement in the RSA Hot News newsletter last month, and I thank those of you who have responded.
I am now almost at the stage of sending out information sheets to the volunteers who I have spoken with so far, but for the study to be more effective I would ideally like more participants.
The study will be commencing in March 2013, and will require a further 2 visits at the 6 month (September 2013) and 12 month (March 2014) interval for a subsequent test. The study location is the University of Glamorgan, Treforest (near Pontypridd), South Wales, Mid Glamorgan. I appreciate that travel may be difficult from afar, but if you are interested, and are able to participate, it will be greatly appreciated.
I am keeping the recruitment open this until Monday February 18th, to allow time for people to read this and (hopefully) tell anybody they know with the condition about the study.
Anybody who has the condition (at any stage and any severity) is interested, even just to the point of receiving an information sheet, is under no obligation to commit to the study, and may withdraw at any time , and without reason.
For further information and/or to express an interest in participating, please email me at dclegg@glam.ac.uk. Please note I am able to attend to emails this week up to and including Friday 8th February, however I will be away until the 18th February. Please note that if you email during the time I am away I will respond to you on the morning of the 18th.
Many thanks and hope you can take part!
Danny Clegg