ACTT Training is aimed to find ways around medical conditions so that members can do whatever they want to do, without feeling limited. Our third session is once again sports focused, and will be a taught climbing session at the Castle Climbing Centre.
We're offering free instruction, so long as you pay for your entry. You can rent any equipment, including shoes, for approx £2 per item.
The nearest tube station is Manor House, and it's just a 5 minute walk from there to the Castle...and you can't miss the giant Castle in the middle of London!
Let us know if you've got any specific requirements, and don't worry if you're new or old to climbing. We're expecting this to be a mixed ability group, and that's good
Finally, don't hang back if you think you're medical condition stops you from climbing. The Castle hosts paraclimbing events and has specialist instructors. On top of that, I climb with hypermobile shoulders, and I know I'm not alone.
Please share details of this event with anyone who you think might be interested. I'm hoping to run some outdoor events in the near future, with lots of Silver Gloves to hand!
The event page is here:
Just let us know if you're coming, and we hope to see you there!