On night three of no sleep. Five hours into a 10mg Ambien and two hours into a 1mg lorazepam later and the marathon continues. I'm so used to these two to three day sleepless episodes now so they don't freak me out too much. But they really do destroy any chance of doing anything productive or maintaining any sort of life rythym. Yet, sleep will arrive. It always does. Rinse. Repeat.
I need an off switch please. : On night three... - Sleep Matters
I need an off switch please.

Why aren't you sleeping? You may becoming reliant on your sleeping pills, you should try to wean off them slowly. There's an excellent website, Benzobuddies.com, which people discuss their symptoms and problems with benzodiazapines, and how to come off them and cope with withdrawal symptoms
I don't use them every day just usually after day two or three of no sleep. I often go months without using them at all. Most of my sleep issues are caused br instrusive thoughts. Tried many years of behavioral therapy but no luck. Runs in the family. My mom would go without sleep 3 to 4 nights a week. A lifetime of treatments did little to alter her sleep for the better. She had a much better attitude about it though.
Try reading a book called The Sleep Book by Dr. Guy Meadows founder of the sleep school. Might have to read a couple times but worked for me plus I take two magnesium glycinate an hour before bed which I found worked best after trying everything. I still wake about 3 or 4am which I might take one tylenol seems to help me get back to sleep if needed. Good luck.