I dunno why I can’t sleep ; took dopamine (I have YOPD), dopamine agonist to take care of RLS, magnesium to calm me down, warm shower , massaged my feet with lukewarm mustard oil, rubbed peppermint oil on pillow, put cucumbers on eyes but still can’t.. been three hours!
Can’t sleep : I dunno why I can’t sleep ; took... - Sleep Matters
Can’t sleep

Hi, I have problems with sleep too. I attribute it to work. I just can't stop and switch off, thought are swirling in my head nonstop. I only have this problem from 2020.Three hours of sleep, then a very difficult day... Most unpleasant!!!
Walks and fresh air seem to help, but you can't always afford them.
Indoor exercise does not help to sleep better.
What do you do?
I have exact same problem; can’t switch off work! I guess, we should watch tv then..
I close my blinds 3 hours before bed and switch to red lightbulbs. Put blue blocking lens over my glasses. I take Benadryl and aspirin 30 minutes before bed. Eat starch with dinner and again not closer than 3 hours before bed. Have a salty drink like beef bouillon or just a couple pinches of salt. Turn room temp to 68 °. Oh and put the twilight app on my phone again to block red light. I'm not going to worry about dementia from Benadryl. I need to sleep so I take 50 mg. For my rls I also take 1500mg Gabapentin an hour before bed. I take my 800 mg magnesium at noon because it interferes with the gabapentin if I take it at night.
Really try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day; that was a game changer for me. Also I use a product called cool and calm from spectrum awakening. I also take Neuro Mag that is made by designs for health. I also take niacin.
Thank you for advice! I agree, exercise helps a lot. Even short one, but should make you feel tired. But for me it is more of a mental state. Even exercise cannot stop me thinking at times. And Fresh air is very important for me to have a chance for sleep! And another thing: I know for sure that i will not sleep if I looked at mobile or other screen before going to bed. Whether to check the weather or something similar, it will guarantee that I won't sleep. Sad, but looks like for me discipline plays part. If the stress is not too high.
I hope it will help. When it was a chain of 3-hour sleeping, you really feel exausted. I sympathise so much! Hope fresh air will help. We both need to learn to unwind
Look forward to hearing from good news from you!
To turn your mind off I take Neuro Mag((Mag L-threonate) and Calm and Cool (GABA, etc) by Spectrum Awakening. I also take Niacin. I have a history of not sleeping well, so I take a lot of supplements! Good luck to you!