Recently just before I am about to drop off to sleep, I suddenly feel as if I can't breathe and end up gasping and gulping for air. My throat closes up and I have this overwhelming fear that I am about to die. It's a really frightening experience, and it makes me fearful of going to sleep at all. Has anyone else had this experience, and if so, how do I overcome it? Any suggestions wold be most welcome.
sleep Anxiety: Recently just before I am... - Sleep Matters
sleep Anxiety

Hi I can’t say that I have had that exact same experience, but I do have a lot of anxiety about sleep. I have recently started to listen to sleep hypnosis at bedtime. While it is not a complete cure. It does help get rid of some of the anxiety associated with bed time.
I used to have the same feeling and then it was discovered I had severe Sleep Apnea, now on a CPAP machine and sleep perfectly.
Hi laurajn - would suggest you ask your GP to refer you to a sleep specialist where they can check monitor you for sleep apnea - it may answer your question/s more accurately. Good luck ~
That sounds like sleep apnea. That is one of the most common experiences when you have sleep apnea. You should get a sleep study done so that you can know for sure. It should bring waking you up because your throat relaxes too much and you're unable to breathe. You probably need a cpap machine.
There have been lots of replies to you already, I can only say that getting a CPAP machine, is the best thing that happened to me. I am looked after by the Edinburgh Sleep Clinic, and can only praise them for the unfailing attention I get. I also have Emphasema Asthma and Bronchietasis, so not a good combination.
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, your symptoms are very similar to my own so maybe it's worth a discussion with your GP.......hope this helps